Ch. 22: Get Away

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He's in here. Kill.No, don't, you love him.  Kill him now.  No, Katniss. Dont. Peeta's going to kill me if I don't kill him. Snow put us in another games. I'm going to die. "Katniss!" Peeta calls walking over to me. "Stop!" I yell rocking back and forth. "Are you okay? I am so sorry." He says coming over. "Peeta, dont!" I yell in a harsh tone. 

He backs off. Thank goodness. I wouldn't be able to live if I hurt Peeta. "What's wrong, Kat." He says. Tears start to stream down my face. "He-he hijacked me.." I say rubbing my eyes and turning my back to them. I hear Peeta gasp. I just want to be in his arms to wrap around me, but I know that can't be. 

"Katniss, you can do this. You are the strongest person I know, but we have to get out of here. Now." He says. I nod. I have to refrain from trying to kiss him or kill him. I agree we have to get out of here. 

As soon as I stand up and turn back around there is a noise from deep in the cave. I didn't even know it was deeper than this. It's a growl. "Katniss, come on!" Haymitch yells. We all take off running, but Peeta is lagging due to his prosthetic leg. 

As I run by him, I grab his arm so he can keep up. Eventually, whatever it was turns around and that's the last thing I remember.


I wake up in a hospital, but I'm not sure for what. A man with shaggy blonde hair comes in. He has a stern look of concern on his face. "I'm so glad we got out in time." He says. "Got out of where?" I ask the strange man. "Come on, Katniss." He rolls his eyes. "Who's Katniss? Isn't that a potato root?" I say. He gets a strange look then says, "I'm going to go get the doctor." Not even five minutes later, the doctor returns. I see a blonde haired boy standing behind him. They exchange whispers. "Maybe this is a good thing. This means she isn't hijacked anymore." He says. "Yeah, but she doesn't remember anything... or anyone." The boy says speaking up. What do they mean hijacked?

A/N Short and late update sorry guys. Tell me whatcha think in the comments!

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