Ch.10: Peeta and I

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I eventually turn the TV off and begin to hum while the smell of freshly baked bread and homemade soup fills the air. I hum a familiar song I don't remember the name or the words, just the melody. It's always stuck to me. Peeta then begins to hum along. "You know this song?" I say to Peeta who still has his shirt off distracting me. He nods, "I think it's something only you and I can hear. A love song. A song that our souls sing in unison." He says taking the bread out of the oven to let it cool. I smile to myself and manage to say yeah.

"You cut me down a tree and brought it back to me, and that's what made me see, where I was going wrong." Peeta begins to sing. "I didn't know you could sing." I say. He laughs then says, "It's because you're so amazing and I don't want anyone to ever try to outdo you or take something you do and try to do it." He says. "Oh, Peeta." I say walking over to the barstool. I take a seat as he pours some kind of chicken soup into two bowls and places a plate of cheesy buns in front of me. He brings the bowls as well as him self around and sets them in front of us. We begin to eat and talk about the little things that usually aren't important. When we finish, we go lie on the sofa and watch some TV. I yearn for Peeta's kisses that make me feel so complete.

As if on cue, Peeta turns around. "Thank you." he says. Before kissing me. "Thank you for choosing me." He says. Before kissing me again. The hunger from that day on the beach is back and I can't hold it back anymore. I love Peeta so much and I want him to know it. While we kiss, I run my fingers through his hair. He picks me up just a little off the couch to pull me closer. I feel the muscles and the scars on his back and my hand ends up tracing where his heart should be. I open my mouth to say something, but Peeta takes advantage using it as an opportunity to turn this into a French kiss, which usually would gross me out, but it's so full of love and trust that it doesn't.

Peeta begins to carry me upstairs to my bedroom without his lips leaving my own. I feel his warm strong hands rubbing my shoulders. When we get into my room, he lays me down on the bed. Peeta smiles, but then stops from my dissatisfaction. "Why did you stop?" I say. He blushes, "I want it to be more than this. I want it to be special. I don't want it to be rushed, I want it to be perfect and I want it at the perfect time." He says making me swoon. I nod and stand up to fix my hair.

When I stand up, Peeta gets down on one knee. "Peeta?" I question because he has a little difficulty because of his leg. He pulls out a ring from the jeans he's wearing. My hand covers my mouth. "Katniss," He begins as I see a pearl, just like the one in my drawer, in a ring that has the word always on the side. "I know that we only now started dating and that we aren't ready to get married yet, but I wanted to give you something. I wanted to give you this ring as a promise. I promise that I will always love you. I promise that I will always stay with you. I promise that I will always be by your side and I promise that I will always protect you. Katniss, I love you with every inch of my being. You are all I have. You are all I want. You are all I need. Will you promise to stay with me?" He says causing my eyes to become flooded with tears. "Always." I manage to say before my words turn into tears of joy and happiness. "I will Always love you, my boy with the bread."

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