Ch.14: Decisions

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We wake up to a call around 3:30am. "Hello?" Peeta says in a groggy voice. "Hello, this is the district 12 hospital." Peeta sits up and I rub his arm. "Yes?" he says worry written in his voice. I scoot up along the headboard. "We need you hear right away." The lady on the phone says while the wind coming from the open window blows my hair. "We'll be there as soon as possible!" Peeta says hanging up the phone and throwing on some shoes not bothering to change his shirt he was wearing when he first came to the woods.

As soon as I throw on my boots we take off leaving no room for discussion. We run past tall trees and green grasses. I'm running so fast that I barely notice Peeta turn around and hit a tree with a balled up fist. "Peeta?" I call. "Go away, Katniss. Run. Please." he says his voice cracking. "No." I say. The woods must've reminded him of the 74th Hunger Games triggering a flash back. I walk over to him. He falls to his knees. "Katniss. Please." He says tears streaming down his face. "I'm not going to leave you. I'm not going to do that." I say putting my knees on his legs and holding his hands as I watch his eyes go from a bright blue to a pitch black. "Peeta. I'm here. I love you. I see you." I say over and over again until his wriggling beneath me stops. His arms wrap around me tightly before he remembers why we were running then we continue after a quick kiss.

Once we get to the hospital, We rush up to the lady with grey hair and brown eyes. "Mr. Mellark, Ms. Everdeen." he says panting. "Ah yes, Can we meet with you two in room number 170?" We nod as we walk following the lady. We walk in to see Fin playing with a toy. He's only around 2 1/2 right now. "Is he okay?" I say rushed and nervous. "Yes, but-" she begins before getting interrupted by Fin "Uncle Peeta!" he screams running into the arms of his favorite person in the world. "Yes, but Annie Odair, she came in with her appendix about to burst and while operating it did and we tried our hardest, but we just couldn't save her." My hand covers my mouth. She's with Finnick now. Tears rush to my eyes, but Peeta stays strong for me and Fin.

"What about Fin?" Peeta asks coughing to cover up the lump in his throat. "He'll either go to you guys or foster care." she speaks with sad tone. I want fin to have a family, but I'm not ready for that. I cant. I can't have a child. "We'll adopt him." Peeta says without the slightest thought.

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