Ch.9: Catching Up

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"So, I think you know why I'm here." Johanna gives me an evil grin. "So, What's up with you and bread boy?" she asks. I look down and feel my cheeks begin to burn. "Come on, Katniss! Stop blushing like a fifteen year old and spill!" I look up at her and take a deep breath.

"Peeta and I are sort of dating." I mumble. "Tell me something I don't know." She replies. "Well, why did you ask?" I retort. She sighs and lies down on the bed beside where I'm sitting. "Give me the details." she orders. "We kissed like three times? I don't know." I shrug. "Have ya'll done it yet?" She says. "No! Johanna! Why would you say that?" I say. "Just wondering..." She says.

There is a knock on the door, so I go to answer it. "Peeta!" I exclaim. He kisses me and holds my back. He deepens the kiss by pulling me closer. I feel the fire light up inside me again. "Peeta.. Jo-" He kisses my neck making my legs go limp.

"I thought you said you only kissed like three times?" Johanna winks. "Oh-I- um.." Peeta says for the first time speechless. "Ah, love. It's honestly such a weakness." She says as I glare at her. "Johanna, What are you doing in town?" Peeta says moving his hair out of his eyes. "I'll tell you that later. I'll give you guys time to finish up." She says winking once more making my mouth drop as she leaves and goes to another house in the Victors' Village.

"I'm sorry I-" Peeta begins. "Don't be sorry. It was nice." I smile looking down at my feet. He grins and tilts my chin up to look at me with his hand. "I love you." He says. "I love you too. So much, Peeta." Then our lips collide in unison. I feel the warmth of a million stars as if they're on my body. The things Peeta can do to me that no one else can. I wish this moment could last forever.

Peeta picks me up bridal style and lies me down on the couch. "I love you." he says again before giving me a short peck on the forehead then standing up." All of that kissing gave me an appetite." he smirks. I bite my lip till it begins to hurt as Peeta takes off his shirt taunting me. "I also got quite hot." He laughs. I roll my eyes and laugh at him while turning around to watch some TV.

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