Ch.7: Unknown

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Peeta's blue eyes bore into my own as I finished my sentence. "Well, then come here." he whispers while leaning forward. Not long after, our lips touch sending shivers down my spine. This isn't a regular kiss, it's like the one on the beach. It lights a fire inside of me for hunger and desire. Peeta's hand caresses my face while he deepens the kiss leaving me defenseless against his control over me.

When he breaks away I give him a strange look. He just smirks. I only then realize my surroundings. The laundry room, of course, but baskets of clothes are knocked over, my lips are warm and swollen as well as Peeta's and our breath hitched in unison. "I didn't want to go to far. Not like this and under the circumstances." Peeta says. I smile at how sweet he is standing there with a smile on his face.

"Let's go watch some T.V. yeah?" He says. I nod and stand up walking out of the laundry room. We sit down on Peeta's beige sofa and click on the screen. We turn the channel to Panem News to see what all is going on. My jaw drops when I see a picture of Peeta and me flash across the screen. Peeta's eyes go wide at the sight. "Are the star-crossed lovers together again?" Peeta turns off the TV and looks at me. My cheeks begin to burn with hope of what might've been and what might be. "Katniss," Peeta begins, "Are the star crossed lovers back together?"

I turn and face him. I'm speechless and I have no clue what to say, like usual, but this time I don't have anyone to save me. I have to answer. I form a mangled smile and finally say, "I hope so."


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