Ch. 12: Ash

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"So what do you think about him?" Johanna asks. "Well, when I met him at the bakery, Peeta and I weren't dating and I kind of ran up and kissed him." Jo just laughs evilly. "It wasn't very funny." I warn. "Sure sounds like it was." She replies. I shoot her a glare and she goes silent realizing that I wasn't joking.

"Oh yeah, Katniss, I brought you a surprise!" She jumps up. I look at her suspiciously. "Don't worry, it's not nightlock or anything of the sorts. "Follow me." she waves. We begin to walk downstairs when we are interrupted by a hiss from Prim's room. I get a lump in my throat. I haven't been in there since she passed. I walk up to the door to see Buttercup lying lazily on her bed with a sad look in his eyes. Tears form from longing of my sister, but soon enough my blood begins to boil.

"She's gone and you're still here!" I yell tears stinging my face. I get a hiss in return. "I wish it was you instead! I wish it was me instead! I did this! I killed her! I killed my sister!" and like that I'm sobbing again ans squeezing Buttercup who surprisingly doesn't fight back. He misses her too. I cry harder when I see her ribbons lying on her desk where she left them.

"I'm sorry, Katniss. I thought you'd be happy to see him. I saw him in an alley and I thought it might, you know, like , give you a part of her." She says playing with her nimb fingers. I look up, realizing this was my gift. "Thank you, Jo." I say. She just nods. "Seeing you cry made me feel all sad and depressed and not like a fiance." she says making me laugh a little. "Let's go check on Peeta and Ash?" I suggest. She smiles so brightly that I might faint. I've never seen Johanna so happy.

I get up and feed Buttercup because he's gotten a sickley thin, then I put on a simple outfit consisting of dark jeans and an orange shirt. I throw on my hunting jacket and boots, then Jo and I are out the door. It's kind of gloomy outside today, so there aren't many people out, which means we can walk in peace.

"I kind of miss him, you know." Johanna says. I look at her instead of looking at my boots like I had previously been doing, "Who?" I ask wondering which one of the thousands of dead people. "Finnick." she speaks. "Me too." I say tears catching in my eyes. "We were like brother and sister. I told him everything. I mean, we hadn't talked in a while because he had been busy with Annie, but when I saw him in the Quater Quell. I just felt so dead inside. I realized that if it did come down to it, I'd give him my life, because he had someone to live for and I didn't. I never got to tell him how I felt about how close we had used to be." She says giving me information I had not previously known. "I-uh-" I start before getting cut off. "Don't worry, Brainless, You don't have to reply and I wasn't expecting you to." She laughed. Mentally, I find relief.

Soon enough, we make it to the Mellark Bakery. Peeta wants to change the name to P&K Bakery, but I convinced him not to because Mellark Bakery reminds me of what used to be, of home. We walk in and Immeadiately Ash's hands wrap around Johanna's waist. "Um, Where's Peeta?" I ask. "In the office, trying to manage, there arent enough of us around here." He laughs. I like Ash. He's really sweet.

I walk into the office to see Peeta with his head own going through a file cabinet. "Hey." I say. He looks up, his blue eyes making my legs go limp. I swear they were so blue and bright I could see oceans in them. He walks over to me and kisses me on my forehead. "You look beautiful." He says. "You don't have to lie." I say looking down. "Kat, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever met. You are more precious than the rarest jewel." He says making me blush.

"Did you miss me? Want me to close up shop?" He asks. I nod. We walk out of the office to see Jo and Ash's tongues down each others throats. "Uhm, Let's close early." Peeta says awkwardly. "Good." He says. "Bye, Katniss! Bye Peeta!" Jo and Ash call.

We close the shop and shut everything off then go have dinner at Peeta's. That night, I fell asleep in his arms and no nightmares came. I wish I could spend every night wrapped in his arms like this.

A/N: Forget the last chapter!!!! I LIKE THIS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS! XoXo~ JLovespizza! One of my longest chapters too! including this authors note it is 845 Words long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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