Chapter 2

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Land sea word = Lu Haici [son]
Gentle/Light = Lin Qingqing [FL]

Chapter 2

Lu Haici has no mother. He lived in his aunt's house before he was four years old. He was very envious when he saw other children had parents. He also asked his aunt why other children had parents, but he didn't.

Auntie said that he has parents, and his father is a great hero who is defending his family and country. His mother was ill and went far away. Children already know big heroes, and he also likes his father who is a hero. However, he doesn't know what it means to be far away.

Last year, when he was four years old, his father came back. Looking at his tall and big father, he was very happy. As his aunt said, his father was a big hero, just like the big hero he imagined that could beat wild boars.

However, Dad came back, but Mom didn't. He asked Dad why she didn't Mom come back. Dad said that his mother died of illness.

He knew what being sick was, but what does death mean?

Dad said that if you die, you will die.

Although he is only four years old, he already knows what death means. Hearing that his mother was dead, he dropped a lot of golden beans.

Dad came back and took him to the army. In the army, he became good friends with a child who also had no mother. His name was Ji Yang. Because they don't have a mother, they are very good. But half a year ago, when the Spring Festival was coming last year, Ji Yang's father married another wife, and Ji Yang suddenly had a new mother.

Everyone said that his stepmother was not good and would bully the children, but Ji Yang told him that his stepmother was good to him. He also often goes to Jiyang's house. He has met Ji Yang's stepmother. She can make meat buns for Ji Yang and milk candy for Ji Yang. So he secretly envied him and thought, when would he have a mother who can cook meat buns for him and milk candy?

This time at my aunt's house, my father asked him if he found a stepmother for himself, would he agree? After hearing this, he jumped up happily. Later, he saw his stepmother. She was a very beautiful stepmother. She was white and twice as beautiful as Ji Yang's stepmother. Double this description is what his cousin usually hears. Although no one told him what he meant, he knew that it meant better than good-looking.

His stepmother gave him milk candy as he wished. He hid the milk candy happily and was reluctant to eat it because he wanted to go back to the army to show Ji Yang. He wanted to tell Ji Yang that his new mother was also very good. He is happier that from now on, he has a mother. He has a father and a mother. He is a normal child with a father and a mother.

In the next few days, my mother was very kind to her and gave him meat when eating. He thinks he is a double happy child.

However, after arriving in the army, his father went on a mission, and his mother was different from before. Mom lets him eat, wash dishes and sweep the floor every day. More importantly, his mother never smiled at him again, and it was no longer like before. Every time his mother spoke to him, her voice was not gentle, even with a kind of disgust he could not describe.

Lu Haici hid this matter in his heart and didn't tell anyone. Even his good friend Ji Yang came to ask him, but he didn't say it. He doesn't want to say that he finally had a new mother and became a child with a mother. He can't speak ill of his mother. He once asked his aunt why the baby in her stomach couldn't come out immediately.

Auntie said that it will take a long time for children to come out of their mother's belly. Because he is not familiar with his mother, he needs to get familiar with her slowly. When he is familiar with her, she will come out to play. So he thought that his mother was not familiar with him. After he did a long job for his mother, his mother became familiar with him. Knowing that he was a good child, she would definitely like him.

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