Chapter 45-46

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Chapter 45

Lin Qingqing took rice and clams to the Sanlian cooking class. She chose a small stove, put the rice and clam meat in, and began to cook porridge. One advantage of this canteen is that the stove is enough. Even if she uses one, the remaining stove is enough to cook breakfast for others.

Today's breakfast in the third consecutive cooking class is sweet potato porridge. There is no need for breakfast in the canteen to be arranged by Lin Qingqing because there are only these kinds of food for breakfast, and there is no flower.

Before eight o'clock, about 7:30, the canteen welcomed its first guest... Lu Haici children's shoes. Lu Haici came to the canteen without lunch boxes. Because everyone in their family was eating in the canteen, the lunch boxes were all in the canteen.

Lu Haici touched the back of the canteen and saw his mother washing things. Mom..." Lu Haici shouted.

Lin Qingqing, Qi sentry, and others washed the cabbage and cooked it at noon. Hearing the voice of Lu Hai's words, Lin Qingqing looked back and found that the cub's clothes were neatly dressed, neither front and backward nor inside and outside, which was amazing." Are you hungry? I'll give you some porridge. I'll cool it first."

"Don't be hungry." Lu Haici shook his head and said, "Eat with my mother."

Lin Qingqing said, "Eat first. If you eat well, you have to go to kindergarten. If you wait for me to eat together, you will be late for kindergarten."

"Comrade Lin, go eat." Qi sentry said, "Let's take a break and go to dinner. The comrades of the company will come soon, and we won't have time to eat."

Hearing Qi Qin's words, Lin Qingqing did not refuse.

Others ate sweet potato porridge in the canteen. Lin Qingqing served Lu Haici a bowl of homemade clam and seafood porridge. He put a little clam meat, but after soaking, it chopped it up, which looked a lot. Lin Qingqing also served a bowl himself. Instead of sitting with Qi sentinel and others, she sat with Lu Haici and ate.

The cub eats slowly. Every time he eats a bite, he will blow a few times, because the newly cooked clam porridge is still a little hot.

"Mom, why did I wake up in the cot today?" God knew that when Lu Haici woke up, he found that when he was sleeping in the cot, he was stunned.

Lin Qingqing said, "Guess it."

"Uh-huh..." Lu Haici thought for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something. He asked with a blushed face, "Mom, am I wetting the bed?"

Poof... Lin Qingqing almost spit out the porridge in his mouth. I don't know how he thought of this." Why do you ask that?"

Lu Haici glanced at Lin Qingqing, and then lowered his head: "I... I also wet the bed when I was a child, and my aunt would take me to bed when I wet the bed, so... so I woke up in another bed." His voice became lighter and lighter, shameful. Thinking that he had grown up and wetted the bed, his little face turned redder.

Lin Qingqing didn't think that the cub still had this logic. But Lu Cheng said that he went to the cot to sleep when he was hot. At that time, she didn't think much about it. Now think about it's possible? Will a five-year-old baby run to the cot to sleep when he is hot? No matter how stupid Lin Qingqing was, he knew that Lu Cheng took him over.

However, she doesn't care about the fighting between their father and son, but she thinks it's quite interesting.

After having a good meal, Lu Haici went to the kindergarten alone. Lin Qingqing and Liu Honghua went to the back of the canteen to continue to wash cabbage. This is the dish to be used for lunch.

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