Chapter 79-80

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Chapter 79

Although Lin Qingqing thought that her IQ was not high enough, she felt that her EQ was still there. Otherwise, can you become an anchor with almost no black material?

Usually, when people say they don't want it, it's necessary. This speculation is gender-specific. However, she can't take the face of the head of the army. So Lin Qingqing said, "Lu Haici children's shoes, now your father said he doesn't want a gift from his mother, so do you want to give it or not?"

Lu Cheng's eyebrows jumped and looked at Lu Haici.

Lu Hai said, "Then don't send it."

Lu Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Lin Qingqing raised a faint smile, "Why? Mom paid the salary and bought you a gift, but didn't buy a gift for Dad.

Lu Hai said, "Because I like gifts, I want a gift from my mother." But Dad said he didn't want to buy clothes, and he didn't want his mother's gift. Adults don't lie. Dad said no, I don't want it." Lu Haici, who answered his mother's question seriously, didn't know at all that dangerous ideas were gushing up in his father's head at this moment. His father wanted to sew his little mouth.

"Really?" Lin Qingqing didn't know what Lu Cheng thought, but she wanted to give Lu Cheng a sample gift. I didn't expect it before, but it's not too late to think about it now." But Dad works in the army and earns money. Although my mother is also at work now, he can also make money. But before my mother went to work, my father earned all the money at home. For example, the money we ate, and the clothes you wear, are all earned by Dad. Do you think Dad works hard?"

Lu Cheng, Is he as good as she said? The dangerous idea gradually dissipated, and he began to think about himself. Whether it is or not, to maintain his image in her heart, he must work harder.

"Creed for your hard work." Lu Haici looked at Lu's father, "Dad, I will try my best to make money when I grow up. I will eat for you and buy you clothes."

Lu Cheng, You don't have to wait for you to grow up." I'll wait."

Lin Qingqing said, "So Dad works so hard. Should we praise him, buy him gifts and clothes?"

Lu Haici nodded, "Yes."

Lin Qingqing asked again, "But Dad said no now. What do you think?"

After all, Lu Haici is only five years old, and he doesn't think so fast. He lowered his head and ate a few bites of noodles. Then he suddenly said, "Then let's buy it secretly for Dad. Dad doesn't know, so he won't say no."

Lin Qingqing touched his head, "Then please then."

Lu Haici likes the feeling of being trusted by his mother, "Leave it to me. I promise to complete the task."

Lu Cheng, Do these two people think they don't exist?

But I'm in a good mood.

"I don't need it." Lu Cheng said again, "I have a lot of clothes. I..."

"Eat." Lin Qingqing interrupted him, "I haven't bought it yet. Maybe I won't buy you clothes and other things."

Lu Cheng, "..." He was wrong.

After breakfast, the family of three went out. Lu Cheng went to the army. Lin Qingqing asked Lu Haici to wait for her at the door of the family courtyard first, and she went to the office.

When Lin Qingqing went to the office, he heard Ji Yang's voice while waiting for Lu Haici at the door of the family courtyard.

"Lu Haici..." Ji Yanggang came back from the canteen for breakfast. He planned to go home alone, and then went to Lu Haici to play. As a result, he saw Lu Haici at the door of the family courtyard. "Lu Haici, why are you here?" Ji Yangfeng ran over hotly.

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