Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

The Lin family's dinner was spent in a lively life, but at night, when Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin lay in bed, Grandma Lin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Grandpa Lin has a good personality and is very tolerant of his wife, but the movement of Grandma Lin in bed tonight is so big that Grandpa Lin can't help it, "If you really can't sleep, why don't you go out for a walk in the yard?" When you are tired of walking, you won't go to bed."

"What are you going? You don't worry about everything. Didn't you find that our family has changed a lot? If it weren't... If it hadn't been for the second wife, she had only given birth to one child, I really suspected that she was a light twin.

The old lady is not avant-garde than suspicious ghosts. Although occasionally the old man is a little superstitious, she won't think about things like ghosts.

Grandpa Lin said, "I know it has changed. Hey... After all, she married, working as a girl in her mother's house is different from marrying a wife." Grandpa Lin didn't tell her granddaughter about a fever of 40 degrees, for fear that his wife would worry too much. So I can only say roughly, "In addition, the family courtyard is full of military sister-in-laws, all conscious people. If the granddaughter gets along with them more, there will definitely change. Besides, she recently joined the logistics department. As a female soldier, if she doesn't get better, will the army want her?"

Grandma Lin thought so, but when she thought that her granddaughter was sensible premise, she was a little reluctant, "It's always developing in a good place. Do you think Yaoyang really wants to go to the army with Qingqing?"

Grandpa Lin is completely worried about his eldest grandson Lin Yiyang." Although Yiyang is not shrewd enough, he has a stable personality and is down-to-earth. Even if he has not learned my medical skills, he is still qualified to be a castrate and take care of the doctors.

Grandma Lin said, "In case he didn't do it well and did it badly, wouldn't he cause Qingqing trouble?"

"What kind of trouble can this cause?" Grandpa Lin disagreed, "The army is a fair place. If the doctor really makes a mistake, he will be criticized and punished. If Yiyang didn't make a mistake, he wouldn't even be involved. Besides, as the person in charge of this matter, no matter who she is a good doctor or if there is something wrong with the pig, she will take responsibility. So this has nothing to do with who the doctor is.

Grandma Lin was a little attentive when she heard the old man say that. Although the old man doesn't care, he knows the big things in his family on weekdays. Knowing that the old man said there was no problem, then there must be no problem. Grandma Lin still has a trust in Grandpa Lin." Then let Yiyang go Qingqing. If you can stay in the army, it's best. If you can't stay, just go out to see the world. As for the wife of Yiyang, don't go yet. Let's wait until the matter of Yiyang is settled. Old man... Then the doctor is gone. Who are you looking for for the scorer?"

Grandpa Lin, "Let the boss hold it for a few days first. The matter of Yiyang is uncertain, and the job of the scorer will be retained first."

Grandma Lin, "Yes, yes, that's the reason."

Lin Qingqing lived in the Lin family for two days and went to the county seat to have a meal with Aunt Lu Cheng. After that, she took Lin Yiyang back to the army.

On the day they returned to the army, the Lin family came to see them off, and Aunt Lu Cheng came to see them off. The scene was quite lively. Compared with Lin Qingqing, Lin Qing only brought one suitcase, Lin Yiyang was a little miserable. He brought a lot of food prepared by Grandma Lin. A basket of eggs, salted chicken in plastic buckets, Grandma Lin killed two chickens at home, and half a sack of corn flour.

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