Chapter 59-60

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Chapter 59

Master Qin can't understand Lu Cheng's behavior. In his opinion, chewing the tongue among women is the most normal thing. However, Lu Cheng brought the topic to the issue of professional ethics, which Master Qin attaches great importance to.

As a soldier, Master Qin loves his profession very much and attaches great importance to him. He is old, but the country needs him. He can still go to the battlefield desperately. Even if he dies in battle, he will have no regrets. Therefore, regardless of her professional ethics, Qian Yuelan shook out Lu Cheng's visit to the gynecologist, which made Master Qin very concerned. In particular, Lu Cheng is a soldier. The soldier went to the doctor and said that it was a private matter if he was small. What plan would it matter if he was big?

Therefore, Master Qin is very serious about his wife's problem.

"How do you want to deal with this?" Master Qin asked in a serious tone.

Lu Cheng said, "I want a letter of apology from Qian Yuelan and Yang Mailian. If there is another time, I will report this matter to all units."

If Lu Cheng reports the matter of Yuelan to the hospital, I'm afraid Qian Yuelan can't continue to be in the hospital. After all, Lu Cheng is not an ordinary soldier. And Yang Mailian, chewing the roots of the tongue and spreading rumors everywhere, will also involve the battalion of the Qian battalion. In particular, Camp Qian is in the promotion period. If you miss it this time, there will be no chance next time.

Yes, as soon as Lu Cheng's position moves, the positions of the following people may also change. Therefore, Camp Qian wants to fight for the deputy regiment commander.

Master Qin said, "I know. I'll give you an explanation tomorrow night."

Lu Cheng got up and saluted Master Qin again, "Thank you for understanding that it is not easy for me to marry a wife."

"Aren't you sour?" Master Qin stared at him angrily. Is it not easy for Lu Cheng to marry his wife? Do you think he is blind?

However, Master Qin also attaches great importance to Lu Cheng. He is a born soldier and a natural general. People like him should not spend their thoughts on the family home. Therefore... Master Qin felt that those people who delayed Lu Cheng's major work were also "buoyant". Tell me about these women. Do you have nothing to do all day long? What are you shouting about?

"However, your wife cooked delicious food. Your aunt learned a few dishes from her today and showed her hand in the evening. Even our grandson likes to eat the dishes cooked by your wife, and you are married to the right person.

Lu Cheng hooked the corners of his mouth, "You have won the prize. If you like her cooking, you can often come to the Sanlian cooking class."

Master Qin waved his hand and said, "I'm old, so I won't join in the fun. But your aunt will go to the third company cooking class to have dinner. Speaking of which, your wife is too submissive in the Sanlian cooking class. Why won't she go to the canteen?"

Lu Cheng said, "She plans to take the high school entrance examination. The canteen is busy. I'm afraid she can't spare too much time."

"High school entrance examination?" Master Qin doesn't quite understand.

Lu Cheng said, "She graduated from junior high school and wants to continue to study. I happened to have been in high school, so I taught her. She wants to get a high school diploma."

"That's good." Master Qin praised, "I am willing to study hard. This comrade is good." Master Qin has never read a book himself. Although he knows a few words now, he did not have the opportunity to read in his time, and the enemy has not yet fought out. The conditions are really difficult. Now that the enemy has been beaten out, the country is slowly becoming stronger, and reading should naturally be on the agenda. Master Qin admired the scholars very much, so he looked very much at Lu Cheng, who came out of the Central Military Academy. He agreed more with Lu Cheng's wife's desire to take the high school entrance examination, "I'm a good comrade."

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