Chapter 77-78

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Chapter 77

Yu Xiuyao believed in Lin Qingqing. She also felt that Lin Qingqing was powerful. She was in a trance for a long time when she heard about letting her daughter take the college entrance examination from Lin Qingqing. If she had never thought about this before. She thought that her daughter graduated from technical secondary school, then found a job, and then married safely. But now when she heard Lin Qingqing's words, she suddenly felt, yes, how expensive college students are now. If her daughter can be admitted to college, it will be the smoke from their Qin family's ancestral graves, and there is no shortage of daughters to make money. Why don't you let her go to college?

Therefore, Yu Xiuyao regained her mind.

After leaving Yu Xiuyao, Lin Qingqing went home. Lu Haici played at home. Seeing his mother coming back, he asked happily, "Mom, are you off work?" I haven't eaten yet. Why are you off work?"

Lin Qingqing said, "I didn't get off work. Mom is going out to do business. Go home to ride a bike. You play at home obediently. Mom is back. We're going to have dinner together."

Lu Haici said obediently, "Okay, I'll wait for my mother at home."

"What a good boy. For the sake of Lu Haici's obedience, I'll reward you with a gift when my mother comes back." Lin Qingqing planned to give Lu Haici the big tiger's trousers in advance to make him happy.

"Really? What gift?" Lu Haici asked excitedly. Not to mention children, adults' resistance to gifts is also very poor, not to mention five-year-old children.


Lin Qingqing rode away on his bicycle. Lu Haici stood at the door of the yard and watched his mother leave. His little heart jumped. He wanted to know what gift his mother gave him.

Ji Yang woke up from a nap and went out to play with Lu Haici. He looked at Lu Haici standing at the door of his yard. He ran over curiously and asked, "Lu Haici, what are you doing here?" Do you play with mud?"

Lu Hai said, "I don't play in the mud. My mother said that mud is dirty and children can't play in the mud."

"Oh. So what are you doing here?" Ji Yang's head and tiger's head asked.

"My mother just rode her bicycle out to do business..." Lu Hai said, "My mother said that I have been very good recently. When she comes back, she will reward me with a gift. I'm wondering what kind of gift my mother will give me. Ji Yang, what gift do you think my mother will prepare for me?

"Uh-huh..." Ji Yang thought for a moment. "Is it something to eat?" My aunt often makes snacks for you. I guess it's snacks.

"Yes." Lu Haici thinks it's also a snack.

"Lu Haici, let's go inside and play. It's so hot outside." Ji Yang urged.

Lu Haici, "Okay."

So the two walked into the room hand in hand.

Lin Qingqing rode his bicycle to the carpenter's house. When the carpenter's wife saw Lin Qingqing, she said enthusiastically, "Comrade Lin is coming. Come and sit in. I'll pour you tea."

"No, aunt. I'm here to do things this time. I'm in a hurry, so I won't drink tea." Lin Qingqing said hurriedly, and she was also embarrassed to bother others.

As soon as the carpenter's wife heard this, she hurriedly said, "It's important to do business. Are you here to do business here?"

Lin Qingqing, "Yes. Do you remember that some time ago, I came here to inquire about the fields and barren mountains around our troops? Now that the documents in the capital have been issued, the county government has also agreed that those fields and barren mountains will be requisitioned by our troops, so I want to ask the old experts here to help me see how to pull the fields and barren mountains. At the same time, I will plant and breed them separately, and I also need the old experts to help me set up the template of the farm..."

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