Chapter 99-100

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Chapter 99

"Come on." Lu Haici took the lead and ranked first. When their family eats, they all line up to serve dishes. Because the kitchen is not big, my mother doesn't like everyone to pile up in the kitchen, so Lu Haici queues up experiencedly. However, Lu Haici rarely rank first. In the past, only two fathers and son lined up, and Lu Haici was always blocked by his father. Today, Lu Haici's friends are here, and Lu Cheng will not save face to him.

Qin Ming's clever ranking was second, Ji Yang ranked third, and the last one was of course Lu Cheng.

Although the soup noodles are hot, they will not be hot. The three children came to the hall with their own soup noodles, and three snacks have been moved on the table. However, the children were very polite. After sitting down, they did not eat immediately, but waited for Lu Cheng and Lin Qingqing.

The dining table of the Lu family is a square table. If five people sit, it means that two people have to sit together, so Ji Yang and Lu Haici went to squeeze together.

When everyone arrived, everyone ate it.

Just after a few bites, Lin Qingqing felt a little nauseous again, and she vomited a few more times.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng couldn't help locking his eyebrows, "Go to the hospital in the afternoon." This situation made him a little uneasy.

Not to mention Lu Cheng's uneasiness, Lin Qingqing also had some ideas. Some people vomit for no reason, and the only thing that comes to mind is stomach problems. Lin Qingqing thought of this, but Lin Qingqing thought of something else. She is a married woman, and her bed relationship with her husband is very harmonious, or maybe because a man stands in his thirties, and a man in his early thirties is like a wolf, so their bed relationship is slightly more frequent.

Lin Qingqing knew that her menstruation had been delayed for two days, but it was normal to delay her menstruation by two days or two days earlier, so at first, she didn't think about pregnancy. She let nature take its course of pregnancy, so they don't have contraception. But it's been several months, and I haven't seen her conceive. Naturally, she didn't think about this time. Now it seems that if it hadn't been for stomach problems, it would have been possible to get pregnant.

But will a woman vomit in a month?

Lin Qingqing, who has never been pregnant, doesn't understand this.

However, she didn't tell Lu Cheng about this suspicion. Let's talk about it later when she goes to the hospital. Once she says it, it's very embarrassing in case she is not pregnant.

After having lunch, Lu Haici, Qin Ming and Ji Yang bask in the sun and do their homework in the Lu family yard. Lu Cheng pushed out both bicycles, "Let's go, go to the hospital." The Lu family bought another men's bicycle two years ago, otherwise every time he went to the county seat, Lu Cheng did not have a bicycle, and he was embarrassed to borrow someone else's house. Occasionally, it was okay to drive a car of the army once or twice, but it was not good to drive the number of times. Even if the fuel cost was paid by himself, it was always the property of the army, so after they had a bicycle ticket, I bought a men's bicycle.

It's just, "I don't want to ride a bike today. I've been busy all morning and I'm a little tired. I'll sit behind you." She is worried that it will be bad to ride a bike if she is pregnant. Although I don't know if I'm pregnant, Lin Qingqing is an inexperienced person after all, so he is particularly careful.

Lu Cheng was a little surprised. In the past, when she went to the county seat, Lu Haici sat in front and asked her to sit in the back. She refused. Because the road here is not very good, she prefers to ride by herself than sitting in the back bumpy. But in the past two years, the road here has been very smooth. After the farm made money, Lin Qingqing took the farm's military sister-in-law to repair the army's road to the county seat. Anyway, the army sister-in-laws are naturally willing to do road construction benefits on the farm." You are not in good health. It's better to sit in the back. Lu Cheng didn't think much about it. He went into the room and took out his own rag coat. "You put this and put it under your ass when you sit on later, so that you won't bump and hurt." His military coat is very large and long. It can be worn on her like a child wearing adult clothes. It can also be put on the back of her buttocks, which is very practical.

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