Chapter 55-56

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Chapter 55

Yang Mailian looked at Zhang Hongping. She didn't know that Zhang Hongping didn't want to make trouble with Lin now. She thought Zhang Hongping was stupid and didn't expect this, so when she heard Zhang Hongping say so, she couldn't help saying, "How can she expect this?" Think about it, Lu Cheng, a man, what can you do in the gynecology department? If he hadn't asked his wife, could he go to the gynecology department?"

Zhang Hongping smiled and said, "What do we care about others?" She now buys lunch and dinner in the canteen every day, and she also wants to ask Lin Qingqing how to make vegetables delicious, so she won't participate in Yang Mailian's plan." All right, okay, don't worry too much. Now Xiaoming has a good relationship with Lu Cheng's son and is still a good friend. Don't make Xiao Ming unhappy.

"Bah, Lu Cheng's wife didn't give me face like that. Do you want me to let her go?" Yang Mailian has never been so angry or ashamed. She is an established military sister-in-law. Although the man is only a battalion commander, she has had a lot of face since her daughter married Qin San. But this Lu Cheng's wife, a newcomer, was treated to her like that as soon as she came... She couldn't swallow this breath.

Zhang Hongping rolled her eyes. You are the wife of the company commander. She is the wife of the deputy regiment commander. You should be polite to others. However, she also knew that Yang Mailian had no brain and didn't tell her this. It didn't make sense. She reminded, "Don't mess with Lu Cheng's wife, or Xiao Ming will make trouble. I don't care about you." All right, all right, you go. I'm going to do something." If it hadn't been for her grandson, she wouldn't have been too lazy to pay attention to her.

Yang Mailian didn't understand what was going on with Zhang Hongping now. Are you afraid of Lin Qingqing? Yang Mailian doesn't understand. But she won't think about it. Anyway, she won't let go of such an opportunity.

When Zhang Hongping saw Yang Mailian leaving, she looked at her back and thought about it. She knew that Yang Mailian couldn't hide anything. Yang Mailian would say what Qian Yuelan said when she came home yesterday. Once Yang Mailian said this matter, with Lin Qingqing's personality, this matter will not be calculated like this.

If it's someone else who is easy to bully, she will swallow his anger, but Zhang Hongping can still look at people. Lin Qingqing is not a person who can swallow his anger.

Zhang Hongping thought for a moment and went to wake up Qin Ming in the room: "Xiao Ming, get up."

Qin Ming slept soundly with his buttocks.

Seeing this, Zhang Hongping took a strong medicine: "Xiao Ming, I'll take you to the canteen for breakfast."

Hearing this, Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

Three-way cooking class

"Lu Hai Ci... Lu Hai Ci..." Qin Ming ran into the canteen and saw Lu Hai Ci eating. He shouted happily, "Lu Hai Ci, I'm here for breakfast."

When Lu Haici saw Qin Ming, he also remembered the matter of sesame paste. He said, "Qin Ming, my mother said that we still have sesame paste in our family. I'll treat you to sesame paste. "

"Really?" Qin Ming asked eagerly, "So eat sesame paste now?"

Lin Qingqing saw this and said with a smile, "Not now. Sesame paste is at home. You come here for breakfast tomorrow morning. Shall we treat you to dinner?"

Qin Ming said, "Okay, I'll come over tomorrow."

Lin Qingqing looked at Zhang Hongping: "Auntie, are you coming for breakfast?"

Zhang Hongping said, "No, it's too late to cook breakfast at home, so I came here to have a play."

Lin Qingqing got up and said, "Then I'll call you."

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