Chapter 49-50

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Chapter 49

Lu Cheng frowned to kill a fly when he heard her words because he didn't understand what Lin Qingqing's words meant. I don't know what's serious that she can't have a bridal chamber for two years. Of course, Lu Cheng's focus is not just on the bridal chamber. His focus is that one thing is so serious that she can't get a bridal chamber for two years, so it can only prove that she is ill and her condition is not bad. But the problem is that Lin Qingqing didn't admit that he was ill. What is this called Lu Cheng?

Lu Cheng thought that she must be ill, and, certainly, she will not get well within two years. Was it detected when the fever reached 40 degrees? Lu Cheng was a little uneasy, but he didn't want to cause Lin Qingqing uneasiness, so he didn't show it. But in private, Lu Cheng has decided to go to the hospital tomorrow.

"Okay." Lu Cheng agreed. If she is sick, not to mention that she can't have a bridal chamber for two years, even for 20 years, he is willing to wait. He wants to be a revolutionary partner with her, and he will not give up the idea because he can't get a bridal chamber. Because he likes Lin Qingqing. Her character, which attracts him, is also Lin Qingqing. Besides, they already have Lu Haici, and even if they can't have a baby in the bridal chamber, he doesn't care.

Lin Qingqing didn't know Lu Cheng's rich imagination. Lu Cheng's parents divorced when he was a child, and then his mother died. He had no one to speak to from the bottom of his heart, which also caused him to like to think about himself.

Hearing Lu Cheng's promise, Lin Qingqing was also relieved. What's more relaxed was that he didn't ask why." We still need to sleep in separate rooms in the past two years, okay?" She knew that her problem was from the perspective of Lu Cheng's wife, which was a little more important. But at present, house sharing is the best choice for them.

She didn't have a chance to mention it before, and she didn't know how to say anything. Now that she met the opportunity, she mentioned it.

She was elected for two years for three reasons.

First, this body is now only 18 years old, just 20 years later, and it has reached the legal age of marriage in later generations.

Second, she spent two years waiting for the original owner and also spent two years measuring her relationship with Lu Cheng. If the original owner does not come back within two years, if Lu Cheng still wants to develop a revolutionary partner with her two years later, and if she falls in love with Lu Cheng within two years, then they will be together.

Third, she also needs time to prepare for her mind. For her now, she hasn't been prepared yet.

"Sleeping in separate rooms?" Lu Cheng's voice calmed down. He thought to himself, her condition was so serious that she needed to separate the room to sleep. Is it related to what happened to you?" Does it mean that it has something to do with the disease?

Lin Qingqing: "Yes."

Lin Qingqing's answer strengthened Lu Cheng's determination to go to the hospital to ask questions. OK." Lu Cheng did not object. He didn't want to put more pressure on the sick Lin Qingqing.

In Lin Qingqing's opinion, Lu Cheng's reasonableness was surprising. She didn't know at all that Lu Cheng had treated her as a seriously ill patient.

This may have been solved, so Lin slept quite comfortably the next night. But... Lu Cheng didn't sleep all night. He thought about it and couldn't wait for the day to come soon. So before the wake-up number rang the next day, he got up and did all the housework. For example, picking up water, washing clothes, boiling water, boiling water, and boiling eggs... I can't help it. He can't sleep. He has insomnia.

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