Chapter 101-102

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Chapter 101

When Lin's father signed for the package, he found two, one from their family, which was sent by his daughter. One is from the eldest brother's house, which was sent by the eldest nephew. Father Lin put away the two packages, but he didn't open his package. There was nothing he could do. Before the separation, it was my mother who had the right to open the package. After the family separated, it was my wife who had the right to open the package.

After getting off work, Father Lin carried the two packages on his back and returned to the alpine waist production brigade. It's very close from the town's post office to the Gaoshan Pass production brigade, and it's not even half an hour according to Lin's father's footsteps.

When Father Lin got home, the people of the production brigade happened to be off work. Everyone saw Father Lin coming back with two packages and looked curiously.

"Second..." Uncle Lin also saw his second brother and shouted.

Father Lin carried two packages all the way and was exhausted. When he saw Uncle Lin's eyes brighten, "Brother, your package is sent by Yiyang."

When Uncle Lin heard this, he hurried over and said, "Why did he send such a big package?"

Father Lin, "My daughter also sent it. It should be sent by the two brothers and sisters together."

Uncle Lin asked curiously, "What did Qingqing send you?"

Father Lin, "I don't know. I haven't opened it."

As they spoke, they walked home. The villagers behind them looked at it and said enviously, "Boss. Lin and Lin's family are really blessed. The children send parcels back every year."

"That's right. Who said that his daughter is not good? Look at how filial, you can not only send things, but also arrange work for the family. Such a filial daughter is not as good as a son.

"That's right. The daughter is well raised, which is no different from the son."

"That's not right. Not any daughter can be as promising as Lin Laoer's family."

"It's true that she has become a cadre by herself. Her man is still a senior official in the army, which is less than after all."

Lin family

Although the Lin family is separated, they are still in the same yard. For example, the Lin family has three rooms in two rooms, one for Lin's father and mother, and one for Lin Qingqing. Lin Luming's house is newly built. In addition to these three rooms, because the kitchen could not be used together, the second room of the Lin family built another kitchen.

When Uncle Lin and Father Lin came home with the package, the Lin family had several smoked chimneys. Not only is there a kitchen in the second room, but also the large room and the third room are no exception. After all, all three families have idle money, and the kitchen will naturally be built.

Lin's mother is registered in the county, but because Lin's father and Lin Luming are both in the countryside, she also does not live in the county seat. She only returns to the county seat every month when she receives benefits. When she was usually in the countryside, she also went to work, and her work was recorded in Grandma Lin's household registration. The brigade never dislikes that there are many people working, so of course the captain has no problem.

Although Lin's mother's work is recorded in Grandma Lin's name, her working hours are not according to the production team. For example, when she goes to the county seat, she doesn't have to ask the captain for leave. However, when she goes to the county seat, she will also say hello to the captain, greet the villagers, and ask them if they want to bring something in the county seat. She usually goes to work on time, but she will go to work earlier in the afternoon, because there is no one at home to cook after separation, so she will cook half an hour early.

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