Chapter 53-54

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Chapter 53

Hearing his mother's question, Lu Haici thought of Chen Zhou's words again. He was silent.

"What's wrong? Can't you tell your parents?" Seeing the little boy's silence, Lin Qingqing asked. The cub can have his own secret. But Lin Qingqing looked at him with the wrong look, so what happened must have made him unhappy. In this case, she wanted to ask clearly. You can give him advice from the perspective of a bystander.

Lu Haici squeezed his little mouth and was a little nervous. But he never lied in front of his mother, so he didn't know how to say it. He was afraid that his mother would be angry after saying it.

However, if he doesn't say anything, he can't hide it.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Lu Cheng said, "Man, don't hesitate. If you don't say it, your mother will think nonsense and worry. If you encounter a problem, we can solve it together. "

Lin Qingqing didn't say anything. After she and Lu Cheng clearly expressed their origins, Lu Cheng would not interfere in Lu Cheng's education of Lu Hai Ci. I could have said a few words as my mother before, but now it's not. Naturally, she won't say it.

Lu Haici was shrunk by his father and then whispered, "That's...that is... Chen Zhou said that his mother said that after... If his mother has a little brother in the future... she won't... she won't love me..." Speaking of this, his voice was a little choked and he didn't have any confidence. After saying that, his head was low, and his hands holding his parents' clothes were trembling.

Lu Cheng held his son's trembling little hand: "No." He cut the nail on the iron, "Even if parents have a little brother and sister in the future, you will always be the first child Dad loves."

Lu Haici did not doubt his father's love for him, but... He looked at Lin Qingqing, and he was worried about his mother.

Lin Qingqing also held her hand: "I also love Lu Haici. Lu Haici is my favorite baby. Maybe you will have a little brother and sister in the future, but my love for my little brother and sister is the same as my love for Lu Haici. Moreover, I love Lu Haici for several days more than my little brother and sister. Because before my little brother and sister came, I had fallen in love with the children of Lu Haici.

Lu Haici was blushed by his mother. Although he was a little shy, he was also a cub who knew how to express himself. So when he heard his mother say this, he immediately hugged his mother and said, "I also loved my mother deeply before my little brother and sister came."

"Thank you, Lu Haici, for your love. I'm very happy." Lin Qingqing rubbed his head, "So, I will love Lu Haici more."

"Oh." Lu Haici also answered happily, because he was happy, and his voice was very loud. "I will also love my mother more, and I will also love my younger brothers and sisters in the future. I will take them to have fun and give them delicious food. If others bully them, I will help them fight."

Lin Qingqing: "Hai Ci is a good brother. However, you can play together with your little brother and sister. You don't have to give them delicious food, but you eat with them. If someone bullies them, you should first distinguish between right and wrong. Similarly, if you are bullied by others, your little brother and sister will also help you. You are brothers and sisters, and you are all good children of parents.

"Well, I see, Mom." Lu Haici has never been so happy, even happier than when her mother kissed her.

Lu Cheng watched them interact, his eyes flashed slightly, and his thoughts were more firm.

The three returned home and began to divide their jobs to wash up.

Lu Cheng washed Lu Haici, dried his body, and put him on the bed. After Lin Qingqing washed it himself, he went to that room.

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