Chapter 39-40

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Chapter 39

Qin Ming ran home with a brain, rushed directly into the room, took the lunch box, and then went to get the canteen food book of his grandfather, Master Qin so that he could eat and eat. When Lu Cheng went on a mission before, Lu Haici took this to the canteen for dinner and vegetables, otherwise, how could a cub go to the canteen with money and tickets?

"Xiao Ming, what are you doing? Run so fast?" Every time Zhang Hongping saw her grandson rampage, she was worried, and she was afraid that he would fall. When your grandfather comes back, you will have dinner. Don't run around.

Qin Ming took the lunch box and the canteen food and ran away: "I won't eat it. I'm going to the canteen."

"What? What are you doing in the canteen? Is there meat in the canteen today?" Zhang Hongping can think that there is meat in the canteen, so she let her grandson want to go to the canteen.

Qin Ming has run out of the yard, regardless of what his grandmother asked. Not long after Qin Ming ran out of the yard, he passed by Master Qin, who came to his face. Of course, his shoulder can't wipe each other's shoulders.

"What are you doing so fast? Is your grandma chasing?" Master Qin's eyes pulled his grandson with his eyes and hands quickly.

"Let me go. Let go. I'm going to the canteen for dinner. My friends are waiting for me." Qin Ming struggled and walked.

"Oh, then you go." Master Qin let go of him. In the eyes of Master Qin, it was normal for children to make an appointment with their friends to have dinner together. Unlike Zhang Hongping, he thinks that the food at home is good, so he has to ask his grandson to eat at home. When he couldn't eat before, because he was on a mission, he couldn't let his body fall, but he had eaten all the grassroots, so he was not so particular about his grandson.

Ji Yang, who went home with Qin Ming, was not so smooth. Ji Yang is not as bold as Qin Ming. When he got home, he went to Xu Huijuan obediently: "Mom, I'm going to the canteen for lunch."

Xu Huijuan was stunned. Since she married Lao Ji, Ji Yang has been eating at home. Why did she go to the canteen today? She asked patiently, "Why are you going to the canteen for dinner today?" Is there anything delicious in the canteen? Like Zhang Hongping, Xu Huijuan thinks so.

Ji Yang said honestly, "I have an appointment with Lu Haici and Qin Ming. Let's go to the canteen where Lu Haici's mother works for dinner. The food cooked by Lu Haici's mother is delicious. I want to eat it."

Have an appointment with Qin Ming, the lyrics of Lu Hai?

Xu Huijuan didn't understand. Lu Haici fought with Qin Ming. Zhang Hongping and Yang Mailian came to the door. Although Yang Mailian was later pacing by Lin Qingqing and demolished by Qin Ming, this matter seemed to be over. In addition, Qin Ming came to the Lu family for dinner, so the two families reconciled.

"Are Qin Ming and Lu Haici also good friends?" Xu Huijuan asked.

"Yes, Qin Ming and Lu Haici are good friends, but Lu Haici and I are best friends." Ji Yang stressed that children still care about their best friends.

However, Zhang Hongping and Yang Mailian do not object to Qin Ming and Lu Haici making friends.

Although Xu Huijuan is not very smart, she is not a fool. If Ji Yang can be friends with Qin Ming, it must be good." Then go... Mom should take you to the canteen." Although she is worried about Ji Yang, Ji Yang will grow up and have his own brothers and friends. She is not going to have a baby, so Ji Yang will be an only child in the future. The only child needs to be taken care of by friends. Qin Ming is a good choice. After Xu Huijuan figured it out, she was more in favor of Ji Yang and Qin Ming being friends.

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