Chapter 37-38

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Chapter 37

"Oh my God, Lu Cheng, you are great." Lin Qingqing shouted happily. She also moved a stool and sat in front of the electric fan and blew her hair. Even she was blown coolly. It's very tiring to blow your hair with a fan, and it's comfortable to use an electric fan. However, even if she blows her hair with an electric fan, it is not fast. She plans to lose her hair, cut her collarbone hair, and then tie a princess's head. This body is small, and it looks good to tie a princess's head.

Looking at her satisfied face, the corners of Lu Cheng's mouth and eyes were also smiling.

Lu Haici also moved a small stool, put it next to his mother, and then sat down and blew his hair with his mother. He washed his hair by the way when he took a shower, and only a few dull hairs had already been dry.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng wants to kick his son away. Is he who needs to blow his hair?

"By the way, mom, I want to ask you a question." Lu Haici looked at his mother and remembered something.

Lin Qingqing: "What's the problem?"

Lu Cheng sat on the bed blowing the fan and looked at the mother and son sitting in front of him.

Lu Hai said, "Mom, do you like me?" If it was before, the cub did not dare to ask, but in the past few days of getting along, the cub gradually let go. He could feel that his mother liked him. His mother kissed him, hugged him, and gave him a gift. His mother did what his mother would do to the children, so Lu Haici knew that his mother liked him. Mom also said that Lu Haici is the cutest, most obedient, and best baby in the world. Thinking of this sentence, he was a little shy.

"I like it." Lin Qingqing took it for granted.

Hearing his mother say that he liked him, the cub grinned happily and asked again, "Do you like Dad?"

Lin Qingqing said, "..." subconsciously looked at Lu Cheng, how to answer this question. If you don't like it, isn't it inconsistent with the original self? But if she likes it, she can't say it. She has a good impression of Lu Cheng, but if you like it, it doesn't matter. Say yes to a man who doesn't like him. Even if it's a lie, she can't say it. She is a little stubborn and obsessive-compulsive. If she can't say anything, she can't say anything.

Lu Cheng, who was showing off his fan, couldn't help looking at Lin Qingqing. The two looked up, and Lu Cheng was subconsciously nervous. He never thought that his son would ask this. He seemed to have realized what the little rabbit was going to say later. Thinking of what I said in the kitchen, even if Lu Cheng is stable on the surface, I can't help but look moved. If the little rabbit is allowed to say those words, he will not be able to raise his head in front of Lin Qingqing for the rest of his life.

Before getting married, he clearly said that he didn't like her, but now he says in front of his son that Lin Qingqing likes himself the most. Does he still have a face?

Lu Chenggang wanted to go over and fished Lu Hai Ci. When he pressed him to sleep, he only heard Lin Qingqing reply, "I don't like it."

Suddenly, Lu Cheng's embarrassed expression stiffened, then cracked, and became surprised. The idea and behavior of trying to fish for my son are also stuck.

"Ah? Doesn't mom like dad? Lu Haici is probably also surprised. According to the cub's idea, my father and mother are married. Whether it is my father or mother, they must like each other. But my mother said that she didn't like her father, which made the baby's natural thoughts untransferable.

Lin Qingqing explained to the cub in a joking tone: "Yes, because your father doesn't like his mother, so she doesn't like him. Mom just likes Hai Ci. Well, go to bed, or I won't cook delicious food for you tomorrow.

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