Chapter 71-72

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Chapter 71

The Lu family gradually went away. Someone came out of the room next to them, looked at their backs, and then turned into the house. Looking at their own man, they couldn't help muttering, "Look at the Lu Cheng family and the other two. You are like a stuffy gourd." Thinking about what I vaguely heard just now, you are awesome.

Ah... Her hair is upright. However, she heard that. She wanted to hear everything, but they didn't stop to talk to her.

I really can't see that Comrade Lin is so peaceful in front of Lu Cheng. But it's true. The two are newly married, and Comrade Lin is delicate. Why can't it happen? Ask her to say that you are awesome to her man... No, her mouth is jealous, and she can't be sour.

In the evening, Lu Cheng and Lin Qingqing discussed the treat again. They decided to choose Lin Qingqing's day to rest on the weekend. It may be the concept of modern people. Lin Qingqing likes to choose Sunday as a day off a week.

The next day

Lu Cheng went to the political commissar.

"Has Comrade Lin agreed?" As soon as the political commissar saw Lu Cheng, he couldn't wait to ask.

Lu Cheng said, "What are you asking?"

The political commissar wanted to give him a stick, "Do you still want to give me this? Of course, I hope there is a good answer to both things, but you are cheerful to me."

Lu Cheng, "One good news, one bad news, which one do you think is good news?"

The political commissar, "..." This gave him this, "Logistics matter?" Relatively speaking, from a non-staff in the canteen of the third company to an in-staff logistics unit, the nature of the army can be very different.

So, that's the good news. Then the bad news is self-evident. It must be a treat. The political commissar said that it was also a joke to treat guests, or it was more important for Lin Qingqing to join the logistics force.

Lu Cheng said, "You guessed half of it correctly."

Political commissar, "You're thinking about me. I can't guess."

Lu Cheng was no longer making fun of the political commissar. He was frank, "My wife promised to go to the logistics department and be responsible for the food."

When the political commissar heard this, he was very happy and finally completed everyone's trust." Congratulations, but in terms of procedure, Comrade Lin will do another investigation. It used to be your wedding political review, but now if she enters logistics and becomes a logistics soldier, she needs to be investigated in greater depth.

Lu Cheng, "Everything is up to the organizational arrangements."

The political commissar also knew that he would have no problem, "Well, you can take Comrade Lin to the logistics report later, but what did you just say that I guess half of it means?"

Lu Cheng smiled softly, "It means that it's about treats. My wife agreed not to delay for a few days. She has to wait for her Sunday break, and at the same time, she has to wait for her to prepare the ingredients."

"Go to yours..." The political commissar wants to beat people. This boy is just playing with him. If it hadn't been for Lu Cheng being taller and younger than him, he wouldn't have beaten Lu Cheng, and he would have been up and beat him up." Go ahead. I don't want to see you now. You can go wherever you get from.

"Yes." Lu Cheng walked unambiguously.

The political commissar shook his head with a smile and was also a little surprised. Lu Cheng has always been a rigorous person, and now he can joke. Sure enough, men still need to be reconciled with women. Don't ask him how he knows. After all, he has been there.

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