Chapter 57-58

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Chapter 57

In the last battalion commander's game, Chen Daliang was quickly knocked down, so his current mental state can be said to be the best in their regiment. Take Ji Changfeng as an example. Because the last game was a physical competition, it was not easy for him to win, and his physical strength was consumed a lot. Not to mention a battalion commander finally couldn't stand up exhausted.

Of course, six battalion commanders have never competed. However, who would doubt Lu Cheng's intentions? In the eyes of others, it must be Chen Daliang who did not play well in the last game and did not exert his maximum strength, so Deputy Lu gave him another chance. If Chen Daliang wins this opportunity, his reputation can be imagined, but even if he loses, he will not be ashamed to lose to Deputy Lu. Even the last knockdown can be forgotten by everyone.

Although Lu Cheng disdains playing tricks, it doesn't mean he won't. He is a good fighting ability and is a top student like him. Why don't you care? However, he is as open as him and doesn't want to put his mind on his own people. He feels that his thoughts should be used on the enemy.

Therefore, Chen Daliang can be said to be the first person who thought hard to "be acuse" about it.

When the two went to the battlefield, Lu Cheng said, "Do you know why Chen Daliang was defeated so quickly in the last game?"

Chen Daliang was a little embarrassed, and everyone said in unison, "I was sneaked."

Lu Cheng nodded, "It was indeed attacked, but..." Then, his eyes condensed. Before Chen Daliang reacted, his must-kill skills, which were famous for fighting, directly attacked Chen Daliang. The two fell to the ground at the same time. The difference is that Chen Daliang was pressed to death, and Lu Cheng was the one who could kill him." But... on the battlefield, any negligence, any carelessness, and any lack of attention can kill you.

Lu Chengsong got up with Chen Daliang, "If you succeeded in the first sneak attack, why were you successful in the sneak attack for the second time?" Yes, Chen Daliang knew me and was unprepared. When he was in the competition today, he could go to the battlefield tomorrow because he knew that I was unprepared. He could also be unprepared because the enemy disguised himself as a commoner.

Chen Daliang was originally knocked down by Lu Cheng because he was so fast, and his face was a little embarrassed. Now he is even more complacent when he hears Lu Cheng's words. What Lu Cheng said was absolutely correct. They are soldiers, the big tree of the people, and they are used to protect the people. Therefore, their guns will never be directed at the people. If one day, the people suddenly appear on the battlefield, what should they do?

They will put away the muzzle of the gun. But what if the people are disguised as enemies, what about giving them a fatal blow at the moment they put away their muzzle?

Therefore, the muzzle of the gun can be put away, but the guards can never be removed.

Just like now, Chen Daliang has learned the lesson of being attacked once, but he is still unprepared against Lu Cheng. It is a serious mistake.

Chen Daliang said modestly and seriously, "Thank you, Deputy Lu Tuan for your guidance. I will remember this."

Lu Cheng nodded, "It was just a demonstration just now, and now we really compare it."

Chen Daliang, "?" No way, does he still have to compete with Deputy Lu? Well, if he continues to compete, he should pay attention not to be knocked down so quickly and save face. Because of the previous two lessons, Chen Daliang was particularly cautious in guarding against landing this time.

Lu Cheng looked at him, "Please." This time, he did not surprise sneak attack but came to compete with it regularly.

It's just...

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