Chapter 8-10

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Chapter 8

Speaking of heightened the wall, Yu Xiuyao's tone inevitably increased a little anger: "It can be raised. Our wall is processed with stone and yellow mud, and the stones were picked up by ourselves. When I raised the yard, I was told a lot of cool words. If you want to raise it, you have to be prepared to be cool. Speaking of which, I processed it at the beginning because I didn't have the freedom to eat something. I ate a piece of meat at home, and the smell floated to the next door. The children next door can jump over the wall and lie in front of my house. What should I do? Just raise the wall..."

Lin Qingqing listened to her and thought that such a thing would happen in their family since then, and her hair could stand up. You know she is a person who likes her delicious food. She is not only a food blogger to become an Internet celebrity because she has been fed by her grandmother's cooking skills since she was a child. She is also a little picky about food, and she also likes to make delicious food. But if you are stared back, that feeling is indescribable.

Lin Qingqing and Yu Xiuyao chatted for a while, asked about the time, and took Lu Haici back. I didn't see those people again on the way back. It was probably time to cook dinner, and everyone went back.

When she got home, Lin Qingqing took out the contents of the basket and saw Lu Haici squatting aside. She said, "Xiao Haici, shall we have fried rice with eggs in the evening?"

"Okay." As long as it is made by his mother, he likes it. But, "Mom, what kind of rice is fried rice with eggs? I have eaten egg custard with rice.

"Egg fried rice, that is, eggs and rice are fried together with oil." Lin Qingqing said. According to Lin's gentle health rules, eat carbohydrates in the morning, eat protein at noon, and vitamins at night. Therefore, in fried rice with eggs at night, you can't have too much, but if there is less rice, your stomach may not even be full of five parts, so in fried rice with eggs, vegetables with vitamins cannot be less.

"Then I'll set fire for my mother." Lu Haici got up and was ready to light a fire behind the stove. "I can set a fire. I have burned it to my aunt and father."

Lin Qingqing was worried about letting a five-year-old child set a fire. Although it was normal for many people in this era to let children light a fire, Lin Qingqing still felt that the five-year-old child was too young and it was a dangerous behavior to burn a fire. However, although it doesn't work to burn the fire, it's okay to wash vegetables. So Lin Qingqing said, "Can you ask Xiao Haici to wash the vegetables for me first?"

Hearing the words of Lu Hai, who was about to set fire, he immediately said, "Of course."

He just wants to work gently for Lin. He doesn't care about what to do.

Lin Qingqing took out a handful of vegetables, put it in the washing basin, then washed water again, and brought it to the yard: "Come on, Xiao Haici is here to wash the vegetables. Wash the vegetables clean, otherwise, if you eat dirty food in your stomach, your stomach will hurt."

Lu Haici shouted, "I know."

When Lu Haici washed the dishes, Lin Qingqing washed the iron pot and the tile pot, then poured the clean rice into the iron pot, and then poured water into the tile pot. He boiled water and cooked at the same time.

Then she began to prepare ingredients. She beat two eggs, separated the egg yolk from the egg white, and then prepared a cucumber and cut the cucumber into dice. After she prepared the materials, before Lu Haici had finished the dishes, she came to the yard. Seeing that Lu Hai's words are being washed one by one.

Lin Qingqing didn't help. She praised, "Xiao Haici is so clean."

Lu Haici smiled shyly and was very happy.

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