Chapter 109-110

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Chapter 109

Lin Qingqing stayed in the hospital for three days and was discharged. Lu Cheng drove to pick her up on the day of discharge. Lu Cheng carried his luggage, and Lin's mother held the baby. On the contrary, she was very relaxed.

In the afternoon of returning to the family home, more people came home to see her. When I was in the hospital before, some people were inconvenient to go back and forth, and some planned to wait until she came back.

However, this is not the point. The point is that the eggs at home have to be calculated in baskets.

Having children and sending eggs is the expression of people in this era. In addition to eggs, there are rice, rich and strong noodles, noodles, etc. So in addition to eggs, there are many of these foods in the Lu family.

"What should I do with so many eggs?" Mother Lin was worried, "Eggs can't be put for too long in this weather. What should I do when it breaks down?"

Lin Qingqing looked at the worried mother Lin and said, "Why don't you exchange it for something else?"

"That won't work." Lin's mother said, "It's not good to change what they sent them."

Lin Qingqing thought about it and said, "Then make salted eggs. Salted eggs can be put in. When you finish it, when your mother returns to your hometown, you can bring more and let everyone try them together."

When Lin Mu heard this, there was only one way, otherwise so many eggs were broken, and she would be heartbroken to death.

Yu Xiuyao was asked to help with the pickled eggs, and the ingredients were naturally prepared by the Lu family. After all these eggs were marinated, Lin Mu breathed a lot of relief, and the eggs would not break down.

As the eggs were marinated, the life of the Lu family calmed down.

"Mom, I'm going to school..." Lu Haici recited his schoolbag, greeted Lin Qingqing, and looked at the baby again. "Sister, I also miss my brother today."

The baby who has opened his eyes looked at Lu Haici with black eyes, and I don't know if she saw it clearly. However, this is not important for Lu Hai Ci, because Lu Haici thinks his sister is just looking at him. He said reluctantly, "Goodbye, sister. I'll be back after school. I'll buy a gift for my sister tomorrow." Tomorrow is Sunday. He is going to the county seat to buy a gift for his sister. He counted the money in the piggy bank last night. He is a man with 20 yuan. He has saved this money for four years. From pocket money to New Year's money, he was very happy to think that this money could buy gifts for his sister.

Lin Qingqing lay in bed and looked at him unhappy. He couldn't help laughing." Go to school quickly. Qin Ming and Ji Yang are in a hurry again later.

"I'm going." Lu Haici carried his schoolbag and ran out. Then he ran to the door of the hall and saw Ji Yang coming in from outside.

"You are so slow." Ji Yang complained, "Hurry up."

"I know... Grandma, I'm going to school." Lu Haici shouted at Lin's mother in the kitchen again.

Mother Lin, "Be careful on the way. Don't be greedy. Go home early after school."

Lu Haici, "I know."

When Ji Yang and Lu Haici ran to the door of their families' courtyard, Qin Mingguo was really waiting, and there were other friends with Qin Ming. All of them graduated from kindergarten together and went to primary school together. Besides, they were in a family courtyard, so they had a good relationship.

In the past, Qin Ming was everyone's central circle. Because of Master Qin, the parents of the children warned their children not to offend Qin Ming. Later, Lu Haici became everyone's central circle. Because Lin Qingqing founded the farm, the children's mother was grateful that Lin Qingqing gave them a job, so that they could earn money and grain to add eggs to their family, so they said goodbye to the children and could not quarrel with Lu Haici.

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