Chapter 15-16

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Chapter 15

"Sister-in-law, drink water." Lin Qingqing brought in the bowl.

"I'm really thirsty." Yu Xiuyao took the bowl and drank it without saying a word. As a result... Isn't it sugar water that sweet and nourishing in the water? No wonder it took her some time to pour water, and she must have waited for the sugar to bring it in. Yu Xiuyao was not pretentious at all. She remembered Lin Qingqing's generousness. She drank a bowl of sugar water in one go, "Your sugar water is cool and delicious."

Lin Qingqing said, "Then I'll bring another bowl for my sister-in-law?" With that, you have to get up.

"No, I'm anxious to know about Hai Ci and Qin Ming. What's going on? How did they fight? I heard that there are still many children fighting together?" Yu Xiuyao pressed her hand.

Speaking of this, Lin Qingqing sighed and said helplessly, "It's my fault."

Listening to her self-blame tone, Yu Xiuyao didn't understand: "Why do you blame?"

"The thing is like this. This morning, Hai Ci may be happy, so after arriving at the kindergarten, he told the good children that today's mother sent him to school. As a result, Qin Ming was unhappy. He said that I was not his mother, stepmother, and stepmother was not a good mother... As a result, to protect me, he fought with Qin Ming. At that time, there were several friends with Ji Yang and other good friends around Hai Ci, and Qin Ming also had friends with him, so he became children fighting with him. Speaking of which, it's all my fault that I became a stepmother, and Hai Ci is too filial. As an Internet celebrity, Lin Qingqing is also a public figure. She has few black fans, and also because she knows how to talk. After all, she has a good EQ.

That's what I said just now is self-blame, blame yourself for being a stepmother, and blame Lu Hai's words for being too filial. But in fact, who can blame her for being her stepmother? What does her stepmother have to do with the Qin Ming family?

Lu Haici injured Qin Ming, but the children are filial. Is filial piety wrong?

So what Lin Qingqing said was not leaking. Keep Lu Haici down because of the reasons for filial piety. Can others say that Lu Haici is not good?

Although Yu Xiuyao was impatient, she was also a shrewd person. As soon as she heard Lin Qingqing's words, she couldn't help saying, "What's your fault?" You marry Lu Cheng and only say your wishes. Hai Ci recognizes you as your mother, and he likes you. What does it matter if you treat him well? Besides, what's wrong with filial piety? If my son fights with others to protect me, I will only be happy.

Lin Qingqing wanted to say that the original owner and Lu Cheng were not willing to do so. However, "My sister-in-law is really a person with temperament." She also likes such a straightforward person.

Yu Xiuyao waved her hand: "I have a direct personality. You will know that we have been together for a long time. However, it's not your fault for this matter. If you meet a reasonable person, it's easy to solve it, but the problem is the unreasonable person in Master Qin's family.

Lin Qingqing asked, "Why are you unreasonable?" She was a little puzzled. According to the introduction of the novel, Xiaohai Ci was "bullied" to blackened by the original owner. But the problem is that Xu Huijuan next door is a person with good personal character, and Yu Xiuyao is also a good person. Even if Lu Cheng didn't know that the original owner was "bullying" Xiao Haici when he went on the mission, they should be able to find it, right? Didn't you tell Lu Cheng?

What Lin Qingqing didn't know was that in the novel, whether Xu Huijuan or Yu Xiuyao, did tell Lu Cheng what the original owner had done. Compared with Xu Huijuan's hint, Yu Xiuyao is obvious.

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