Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

When he got home, Lin Qingqing began to prepare lunch. Today's food is relatively rich. Of course, it is delicious with white rice, so Lu Cheng washed the dishes. Lin Qingqing went to Taomi to cook the rice first, and Lu Haici's children's shoes carried his ball and went back to the room first. He put on the football, opened his little schoolbag, took out two comic strips, and put them on the small desk. This is Lin Qingqing behind. Ask the carpenter to customize it for him, which is very suitable for children. In addition to the small desk, there are also matching chairs.

Lu Haici put the two new comic strips and the old comic strip neatly, and then he took out his book and pen and began to write an IOU.

Lu Hai Ci can't write IOUs, of course, I can only draw IOUs. He thought about it, thought about how to draw an IOU, and then began to do it.

Lu Haici first drew a woman in the notebook, with a round face, a curved eyebrow, and oval eyes, and saw a small black ball in the middle, which was the eyeball.

The nose is W-shaped, and the mouth is also a curved line. Contrary to the eyebrows, the curvature is up.

From this avatar, it is not possible to distinguish between men and women but to distinguish this is a mother, Lu Haici also drew hair, which is well-lined.

Lu Haici has never learned to draw. His paintings, like those of other cubs nowadays, are circles and lines. After drawing his mother, he drew another banknote on his mother's five fingers. Lu Haici can't write two words on banknotes, but for the sake of truth, he wrote a 10 words on the banknote. Fortunately, he still knows the number. Besides, Lin Qingqing usually asks him to count the number.

The education of Lu Haici is not strict. Lin Qingqing will not stop him to learn this and that. She thinks that children should have a leisurely, happy and happy childhood, instead of spending time in a continuous cram school like modern children. Of course, this era is different from the pace of life and modern times, and the lifestyle is different, so there is no comparison.

After drawing his mother and banknotes, Lu Haici began to draw himself. The same as before. The only difference is that he is a little smaller and has three hairs on his head. As his hair, his hair is shorter.

After drawing the lines, Lu Haici put down his pen, appreciated it himself, and then tore the paper neatly off the notebook. He tore neatly, and the child has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is different from many children who can tear paper.

After tearing down the IOU, Lu Hai ran out verbly and shouted, "Mom..."

Lin Qingqing was washing vegetables with Lu Cheng at this time. Hearing the voice of Lu Hai's lyrics, she responded casually, "Oh..."

Lu Haici ran to her and said in a very, very serious tone, "Mom, this is the IOU I gave you. When I grow up, I will pay you back. When I grow up, I have made money. I have made money. All the money will be given to my mother."

As soon as Lin Qingqing saw the IOU, because she was very curious, she washed her hand and wiped her hands directly on the clothes. Anyway, the clothes also need to be changed today. She is really curious about the IOU that she can't wait to see it. After a look, she understood the meaning of Lu Hai's words. After all, it was very clear. But... is she so ugly?

"What kind of IOU? Let me see." Lu Cheng raised his head and saw her inexhaustible expression, so he was also quite curious.

Lin Qingqing showed him the IOU, "How about this is your son's IOU?"

Lu Haici frowned and stared at his father, as if his father could not say it well, he would beat people.

Lu Cheng looked at the painting and didn't know how to evaluate it. Frankly speaking, he is a man without painting cells. He thinks this painting is very clear and not bad. He nodded, "You put away the IOU and wait for the boy to grow up to make money. You can ask him for money."

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