Chapter 113-114

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Chapter 113

Lu Haici is serious about making money. Seeing that the winter vacation is coming, he has a lot of rest time. He called Qin Ming and Ji Yang together: "Do you know how our children make money?"

"I don't know about this." Ji Yang has never suffered, so he doesn't know.

"I know I know." Qin Ming said, "I heard from my grandparents that rubbing the rope can make money. And, you can also make money by picking up firewood. Master Qin and Zhang Hongping often talk to Qin Ming about the past. Qin Ming has always liked to listen to his grandfather talk about all kinds of things, so he knows something." Lu Haici, do you want to make money? Don't you have pocket money? Are you not rich enough money? I can lend it to you."

Good friends have money, and it is convenient to borrow money.

Lu Haici immediately waved his hand: "No, I don't want to borrow money. I want to make money. I heard from the aunts in the family courtyard say that after a girl gets married, if there is a lot of dowry, she will not be bullied in her mother-in-law's house. I want to earn a dowry for my sister."

"Well..." Qin Ming changed his mind and said, "Then let's pick up the firewood. The firewood we picked up will be sold to the family home, and we can make money."

Lu Haici hesitated a little: "It's wrong to speculate. Will it be arrested?"

Qin Ming said, "No, no, we just don't let others know."

Ji Yang wondered, "Then who shall we sell the firewood to?" How do you know that people won't say it?"

Qin Ming: "Sell it to my grandmother's house. I asked him not to say it. I can sell it to people he knows. I will definitely not say it."

Lu Haici thought for a moment, "Then I'll sell it to Brother Dawang's house... No, I don't believe in Brother Dawang now. Last time I wrote a self-criticism, Brother Dawang promised not to tell my parents, but he still told my parents."

If Qin Dawang knew it, he would definitely say wrongly. I didn't tell your parents, I only told my mother.

Qin Ming said, "Then I'll ask my grandma who wants matches. My grandma will definitely not say it."

After listening to Lu Hai's words, I think this method is good.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Ming got home after school, he asked Zhang Hongping, "Grandma, does anyone in our family courtyard want to buy matches?"

Zhang Hongping never heard her grandson ask this. Suddenly, she heard it. It was still this question. Zhang Hongping couldn't doubt: "What are you asking this?" Do you still care about this?"

Qin Ming said, "Lu Haici wants to make money during the winter vacation, and Ji Yang and I also want to make money together, so if the family courtyard needs firewood, can we pick it up and sell it to them?"

Zhang Hongping was stunned. The three children actually wanted to make money. However, it is good for Sun Tzu to have such an idea of progress, so Zhang Hongping did not refuse: "Okay, I'll ask you."

"Grandma, this matter can't be known to others. In case someone says that we speculate." Qin Ming reminds.

Zhang Hongping couldn't help laughing, "How can you be regarded as speculation?" Children pick up firewood to earn some pocket money, which is only a little bit. Even if those individuals know, they can't catch them.

"Really?" Although Qin Ming is a bear, he is also afraid of those people. The main reason is that the news of arresting people everywhere in the past two years is too loud.

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