Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Lin family has not had a baby for three generations. In those years, when Lin's mother was pregnant with the original owner, Grandma Lin saw that her wife's belly was very sharp and identified it was a baby girl, so she nourished her wife in two days. However, Lin's mother also ate desperately. Of course, Lin's mother did not eat to nourish the child in her belly, but to the people of this era. Who would refuse to eat some of them? What's more, eat good food during pregnancy.

Therefore, when Lin's mother gave birth to the original owner, there was a situation of dystocia. This is a bloody lesson for Lin's mother.

Yu Xiuyao listened and didn't know what to say.

However, Yu Xiuyao felt that Lu Cheng's wife was still very cheerful. She was white, tender, and tender. At first glance, her family was well-raised and spoiled by her family. She thought such a lesbian would be very delicate, but she didn't expect to be a cheerful person. She has a magnificent personality and likes such a cheerful lesbian.

It was equivalent to Xiu Yao leaving, and Lin Qingqing and Lu Haici also entered the yard.

There are two kinds of family rooms of the army, one is a tube building and the other is a separate bungalow courtyard. Lu Cheng is the rank of deputy regiment leader, so the family courtyard he applied for was an independent small courtyard. Of course, it may also happen to have an independent small courtyard when he applied.

The family house is very good. In this era, it can be said to be very good.

First of all, the houses here are made of green bricks, with black tiles on top and white inside. Outside the yard are circles of one-meter-high walls, which are not like modern houses, and the walls in the neighborhood are old and tall. Between the gate of the yard and the door of the inner house, there is a cement road, while other places are mud, where vegetables can be grown. This yard looks like a lot, about 30 square meters.

Let's talk about the house. The room is inverted, with a concave hut on each side, a kitchen on the right, and an empty one on the left. However, on the left side of the yard are the bathroom and the grocery room. The concave place is the gate, about two meters wide, just like the door of the hall. After entering, there is a rectangular hall, four meters wide and five meters long. This hall is quite large.

There are two rooms on each side of the hall, that is, the two behind the concave small house. The two rooms are the same size, three meters wide and five meters long, each of which is 15 square meters. The windows of the two rooms are open in front, and the doors of the hall are in a row.

In fact, in general, there are three square meters plus two extended small houses.

The yard is empty. What was the first day of the original owner accompanying the army? What is still like now?

When he entered the hall, there was still a smell of dust in it. Lu Cheng had a whole month's vacation before going on the mission, at his aunt's house, so the room had no one for a month, and a lot of dust accumulated. Half a month ago, the original owner came to join the army, but because Lu Cheng was on an urgent mission, the original owner did not even touch the broom or rags in the past six months. Lu Haici A five-year-old child naturally doesn't know how to clean the corners. He only knows how to wash dishes and clean tables.

That is to say, the house has accumulated dust for a month and a half.

The original owner lived in Lu Cheng's room, on the right side of the hall. Before the original owner came, both the Lu family slept in this room. After the original owner came, he naturally slept in Lu Cheng's room, and Lu Haici was driven to another room that had been empty.

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