Chapter 115-116

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Chapter 115

Lin's father and Lin Luming lived in the family home for two months and didn't leave until the end of August. When they came, they were big and small, and when they left, they were also big and small.

Lin's mother also thinks about her hometown, but she also knows that her daughter needs her. Her granddaughter is not even one year old, and her daughter still has to work. If she leaves, who will take her granddaughter? It's not okay to ask your daughter to resign. Her daughter's salary is so high. So of course, Lin's mother brought it herself. It has been a year since I brought Lin's mother to the family home. I get along well with the families of the family home, so she is not lonely in the family home.

What's more, she eats well, dresses well, and is getting younger and younger, and Lin's mother herself is also happy. However, I was reluctant to watch the old man and his son leave. Thinking of this, while walking with her daughter one night, Lin's mother secretly asked her daughter, "Daughter, do you think the farm is still recruiting?"

Lin Qingqing didn't think of Lin's mother's mind. Hearing Lin's mother's question, he said curiously, "What's the mother asking about this?"

Lin's mother had nothing to hide from her daughter and said frankly, "It's your father. I think if the farm is still recruiting people, you can let your father try it. If your father becomes, your brother will also come here to study, so that our family can be together."

Lin Qingqing immediately understood that she was only 24 years old this year, and Lin's mother was born at the age of 17. Now she is only 40 years old. In modern times, there are many women who get married at the age of 40. It's really inappropriate to let Mother Lin live here alone for a few years. Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing said, "Then I'll ask if I go to work tomorrow."

When I went to bed at night, Lin Qingqing said to Lu Cheng, "I don't know whether the farm recruits people or not, but if I don't recruit people, I have an idea that the farm can evaluate an excellent employee every year, and excellent employees can reward a job. If I am judged, then this position can be given to my father. If I don't comment, it's also an opportunity for other family members. What do you think?"

Lu Cheng had no opinion: "Yes." Lu Cheng has been lonely since he was a child. In the past two months, he also felt good about the days when his father-in-law and brother-in-law were here. There were many people in the family and much more lively.

So the next day, when Lin Qingqing went to work, it was like Commissar Qu reacting to this matter.

Commissar Qu listened and said directly, "This plan is good and can encourage enthusiasm for work." However, he was a little puzzled, "Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

Lin Qingqing didn't like to lie about this kind of thing. She said frankly, "My father came here during the summer vacation... So I couldn't bear to think of this because my parents separated for a long time." Although she was selfish to mention the plan, she was not an absolute beneficiary, and she had a clear conscience.

Commissar Qu likes Lin Qingqing's frankness very much. Who is not selfish? He also has it. But he is selfish, but he can be as frank as Lin Qingqing. Commissar Qu rarely sees it. But speaking of this excellent employee: "Your plan can be implemented, which can encourage everyone's enthusiasm. But when it comes to work, the farm can directly reward you. Over the years, you have paid a lot for the farm, made a lot of money for our army, and solved the difficulties of many army families. Originally, the leaders of the army were also thinking about what rewards I would give you. Now that you have this idea, you can directly reward you for your job. However, the position does not conflict with this plan, and this plan can continue to be implemented." Originally, the braised pork recipe made a lot of money for the farm, that is, the army. Now the braised meat in the whole county is provided by the farm, and the army only gave Lin Qingqing a job in her hometown, which is obviously light. Now Lin Qingqing has the need for this position, and the army is also saved as her job reward. Think about the time of the reward and kill two birds with one stone.

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