Chapter 89-90

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Chapter 89

Three years ago, Lu Cheng brought Lu Haici to the Lin family for the first time. At the age of 5, Lu Haici met the 11-year-old Lin Luming. At that time, one was very happy to have a new mother and a relative of his mother's family, so he gave another two pieces of sugar. Another curious sister got married, and even her son, so she was a little confused about the other one. However, when Lu Haici gave Lin Luming two pieces of sugar, Lin Luming remembered the child deeply and remembered him very well.

The child is so simple that he was bought completely by two pieces of sugar.

"Yes, you are very predestined." Lin Qingqing followed the words of the two boys, "You all have mainland characters in your names, so you are destined to be relatives. Lu will grow next year and take good care of Hai Ci. Hai Ci is a younger generation, and you should also listen to Lu Ming, you know?"

"I see, Mom, don't worry. I must listen to my uncle."

"Sister, don't worry, I will take good care of my nephew."

A sister and a baby man and a mother said in one voice.

"Come on, I'll show you to my room. I live with my brothers, but I have my own bed." Lin Luming said.

The house of the Lin family is arranged in this way. Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin have one room, the son and wife of the third room have one room, and Lin Qingqing has a room. The other is a large room. Several grandchildren live together, with upper and lower bunks. Lin Yiyang also lived in this big room before he got married. However, before he got married, the Lin family had an empty room for his grandson who was going to get married. Because he didn't know who got married first, the room was empty and no grandson was allowed to live in.

Later, Lin Yiyang got married and used this spare room. After Lin Yiyang got married, the Lin family built another spare room. That is, Lin Aojun's new house now. In a few days, Grandpa Lin plans to build another spare one. Anyway, his grandchildren get married one by one, and the rooms were made one by one.

"Wow, that's great. I can live with so many uncles." Lu Haici envied Lin Luming very much. He was very happy to live with everyone. "Uncle, I still have luggage. I also brought food. Let's get my luggage first."

"Okay, I'll get it for you." Lin Luming is the youngest in the Lin family. He can be an elder in front of Lu Haici, which can make him happy.

By the ox cart, Lu Cheng took down his and Lin Qingqing's luggage. Grandma Lin teased En En. Uncle Lin held her eldest grandson and was reluctant to let go. Wang Qiuyue gave her son to them and went to clean up the room by herself. The other Lin brothers looked around the yard.

Lin Aojun and Su Fen originally went back to their room, but they also came out when they saw the situation outside.

Lin Aojun's room was next to Lin Yiyang's room. When Su Fen and Lin Aojun came out, they took a photo with Wang Qiuyue, who went back to the room to clean up.

"Ao Jun." Wang Qiuyue greeted with a smile, "Is this your wife?" It looks so beautiful. Wang Qiuyue turned out to be just a country woman. She lived in the army for three years. She changed her former soil and became magnificent.

As soon as Lin Aojun saw his sister-in-law, he still didn't react. Now when he heard the eldest sister-in-law say hello, he immediately said, "The eldest sister-in-law is back. This is my wife Su Fen." Su Fen, this is my sister-in-law.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Su Fen greeted her and was a little surprised. The eldest sister-in-law was different from what she thought. She knew that the eldest sister-in-law was the production brigade next door, and also knew what was going on in her sister-in-law's house. Before dealing with Lin Aojun, she roughly understood the situation of the Lin family. I thought the sister-in-law who had not graduated from primary school should be an ordinary countryman, but now it doesn't seem to be. She smiled brightly and confidently, and she looked very capable. She quietly gave up her original idea.

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