Chapter 91-92

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Chapter 91

Hearing Grandma Lin's last words, Su Fen only felt cold all over. She finally asked her parents-in-law to separate the big house, but didn't she say it clearly about her and Lin Aojun?

Su Fen regretted it. Now she really regretted it. If she had known it in the morning, she would have confessed it. She thought that confession would get Grandma Lin's understanding, but unexpectedly, it made things worse.

As Grandma Lin's words fell, there was silence in the hall, and no one dared to make a sound. But I have to say that the Lin family is relatively satisfied with the three-bedroom division this time. Finally, Lin Qingqing said, "Mother, you have to go to work this afternoon. Hide the money you have distributed first. Clean up the kitchen later, and then have a rest." Lin Aojun got married yesterday, and today Lin's father took a break. However, Lin's resting father was not idle. He turned around and went to work. I have to say that this is really hard work.

When Lin's mother heard her daughter's words, she recovered and said, "Yes, yes, yes, hide the money first, hide the money first..."

"Second sister-in-law, I'm going to hide the money, and I'll clean it up with you later." Third Aunt Lin followed closely.

Seeing everyone moving, Grandma Lin stood up and said, "Big daughter in-law, you and Aojun's daughter in-law come in with me." With that, she went back to the room with a wooden box in her arms.

Uncle Lin and Su Fen saw this and hurried to keep up.

Wang Qiuyue quietly came to Lin Qingqing, "What's the matter..." Now that everyone is separated, so is their big house separated or not? Wang Qiuyue wants to separate the family. The second brother did such a thing, which showed that she was brainless. She didn't want their family to be implicated. After the separation of the family, the parents-in-law will be fine with them.

Lin Qingqing didn't say anything. He just patted her on the shoulder and then teased the child in Wang Qiuyue's arms.

"Mom..." Lu Haici was also infected by this atmosphere and came to Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing said, "Go and play with your uncle." With that, she went out.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng followed.

Lin Qingqing said, "I'll talk to my mother. Don't follow me."

Lu Cheng, "..." OK, he can only sit on a bench.

Lin Qingqing came to Lin's father and mother's room. The door was closed. It was estimated that Lin's mother was hesitant to hide the money. Lin Qingqing knocked on the door, "Mom, it's me. I have something to tell you."

Hearing that it was a daughter, Lin's mother opened the door. When she hid the money, even her man had to be prepared. She was afraid that she would be taken and spent by the man, but for her daughter, she would not be wary, because her daughter was rich.

After Lin Qingqing entered the room, Lin's mother immediately closed the door. She still holds the money in her hand, "Daughter, you said that the house is so big. Where can I hide the money?" Hey, I don't worry about hiding anywhere." Lin's mother was very melancholy, "What if we are not here and we are pryed into the door?"

Lin Qingqing said, "Go to the county seat to buy a house."

"What?" Lin's mother hasn't reacted yet.

Lin Qingqing said, "This morning, Lu Cheng and I bought a small courtyard with a single door in the county seat, which is relatively close to Aunt Lu Cheng's house. Now, due to the current situation, many houses are sold cheaply, and the price is one or two hundred cheaper than usual. Lu Ming is 14 years old. He is in junior high school and will go to high school next. Our commune does not have high school. We have to go to the county seat to study. At that time, you can accompany him and live in your own home. Don't be too good. Moreover, if the county has a house, you can choose a partner in the future. My father is an iron rice bowl. You bought a house in the county, and your household registration is located in the county. There is commercial food every month, so you don't have to work so hard at home.

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