Chapter 27-28

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Chapter 27

When he got home, Lu Chenggang washed the bowl: "Go and wait for me at the door. I'll borrow the car."

Speaking of borrowing the car, Lin Qingqing remembered one thing: "I ordered a few cabinets a few days ago, which were taken by Xiu Yao's sister-in-law. Today, I can just go and see if the cabinet is ready. If it's done, bring it by the way."

Lu Cheng: "Okay, I'll show you the way later."

Then, Lu Cheng went to borrow the car, and Lin Qingqing went back to the house to get the money and tickets. She originally wanted to withdraw money with the passbook, but thinking about it, it was too polite, so she took the loose money in the iron box given by Lu Cheng. She didn't know how much it would cost to buy a sewing machine and bicycle, so she simply counted out 500. Not to mention that although there is loose money in the tin box, after she took out 500 yuan, there were still about two or three hundred in it. Isn't there too much loose money? Thinking of Lu Cheng's statement that half of the salary would cost half of the salary, Lin Qingqing thought that the money should be half of the salary that had not been spent.

Not long after Lin Qingqing arrived at the door of the family home, Lu Cheng came. Knowing that Lin Qingqing got on the bus, Lu Cheng didn't go down and open the door.

When they arrived in the county seat, they went directly to the department store, because there was a goal, so it was very clear. But they were also lucky. Whether it was a women's bicycle or a sewing machine, it was in stock, so the two things cost about 330 yuan. After buying good things, the two went to the vegetable market again. Since they were here, they simply went there. However, Lin Qingqing was worried about the sewing machine and bicycle in the car, so she asked Lu Cheng to wait in the car and she went by herself.

There are a lot of dishes in the vegetable market. It should be said that as long as it is not too late, the vegetable market will not be short of vegetables. But I can't buy meat. Lin Qingqing bought some red beans, edamame, green pepper, and whole winter melon. She planned to make a stinky wax gourd. Lin Qingqing is very good at making pickles, whether it's stinky wax gourd or sauced radishes because her grandmother is good at this.

The whole winter melon needs about 20 catties, but Lin Qingqing can't hold it. She put it on the stall first and let Lu Cheng pick it up later. Then she went to the meat area.

"Well... are these bones sold with pig intestines?" Although Lu Cheng bought meat yesterday, many people ate it. She could only make minced meat and stewed eggs, but it was not delicious.

The salesperson looked at Lin Qingqing: "Sell, a catty of meat ticket can be worth three catties of bones. Pig intestines don't have meat tickets. Do you want it?"

"I want it." Lin Qingqing can't beg. Although there is not even a little meat on the bones, the nutrition of the bones is in the soup. As for the pig intestine, the taste of stir-fried onions is also unique.

Therefore, Lin Qingqing bought three catties of bones, ten catties of pig's large intestine, and then bought onions. By the time she left the vegetable market, she couldn't carry her hands.

Lu Cheng was staring at the door of the vegetable market and saw Lin Qingqing carrying things in his hands, so he hurried to get out of the car and over." I'll do it." He carried these things from Lin Qingqing's hand, "Have you bought a pig's large intestine?" The pig's large intestine is packed in wooden barrels. Lin Qingqing didn't have anything to hold the pig's large intestine. The salesperson bought all the pig's large intestines for Lin Qingqing, and even the wooden barrel was lent to Lin Qingqing. However, the wooden barrel requires a deposit of one dime.

"Let's make a braised pork sausage. It tastes heavier and can hold it for a few days. Cut it a little when you want to eat it, and then heat it, and the taste will fade. Lin Qingqing thought about it a long time ago. And don't think the pig's large intestine has ten catties, it will only weigh six or seven catties after washing." By the way, I also bought a 20-jin winter melon. You can get it later. The stall number is 3-25.

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