Chapter 65-66

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Chapter 65

Dawang's bicycle Yu Xiuyao rode to the supply and marketing agency to pick up the goods, so it was not so fast that it would take about eight o'clock. But it was only after seven o'clock, and Lu Haici couldn't wait, so he ran to the next door to show off.

"Jiyang Jiyang..." Lu Haici didn't go next door but shouted by the wall. This meter-high wall can't stop Lu Haici. The five-year-old Lu Haici is 108 centimeters tall. Among the children of the same age, he is tall, mainly because Lu Cheng's aunt took good care of him.

Ji Yang just got up, because eight o'clock is the meal time in the canteen. Ji Yang has to go to the canteen for dinner. Xu Huijuan is waiting for him in the canteen.

Hearing the cry of Lu Haici, Ji Yang hurried out of the house, "Lu Hai Ci..." Ji Yang didn't reach the corner. He was not as tall as Lu Hai Ci, but he was not much worse." Lu Haici, I'm going to the canteen to have dinner with my mother later. Are you going?"

Lu Haici shouted, "I won't go. I'm going to the county with my parents. I want to play in the zoo. I'm going to see animals." There is no zoo in my hometown, so Lu Haici has never seen animals, but the children have a natural imagination of the zoo. "My mother said that there are monkeys in the zoo. I'm going to see the Monkey King."

Lin Qingqing listened to the deliberately amplified sound of Lu Hai Ci and shook his head helplessly. She said to Lu Cheng on one side, "What does your son want to do?"

Lu Cheng glanced at her and replied to her, "You're used to it." If it were him, he would have opened his spankings early.

Lin Qingqing didn't listen to his bragging. Lu Haici was very bold in front of Lu Cheng, which showed Lu Cheng's usual love for him. But a man wants to face, and she won't save face.

"Let's go to the photo studio later." Lu Cheng said again, "Go and take a picture of the three people."

Lin Qingqing was puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Cheng said calmly, "Sent it to my aunt and the Lin family so that they can let them know that you are doing well."

Lin Qingqing had no problem as soon as he heard it, "Okay."

Lu Cheng looked at her. This is not the main purpose. The main purpose is that he is worried that she will be away in three years, so all he can leave him photos. Even if the appearance in the photo is not her, through his expression and eyes, he can still know that this is her.

Lin Qingqing didn't know what he was thinking or that at this moment, his eyes looked at her with some distractedness as if to engrave her words and deeds, and behaviors deeply into his mind.

Three years later, no one knows what will happen. For Lu Cheng, it is contradictory. He not only wants the original girl to come back, but he doesn't want her to leave. But they all know that God decided this choice, and it's up to them.

Lu Cheng looked up again and looked at the boundless sky. Is there really God? As a college student of this era, he came out of the military academy. He doesn't believe in feudal superstition. However, her appearance could not be answered with scientific knowledge.

So Lu Cheng may be a natural phenomenon. With current and future knowledge, there is no way to understand scientific phenomena.

Ji Yang was very envious when he heard Lu Haici going to visit the zoo, "Can I go with me?"

Lu Haici, "...No." He came to show off, not to drag his house. "You have to go with your parents. I'm going with my parents, and the children are going to the zoo with their parents." With that, Lu Haici patted his schoolbag again, "I brought this book and pen. I will draw the animals in the zoo and show them to you."

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