Chapter 5

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Land sea word = Lu Haici [son]
Gentle/Light = Lin Qingqing [FL]

Chapter 5

Lin Qingqing wrote down Lu Haici's favorite food and learned from the memory of the original owner that before Lu Cheng went on duty, he gave her 100 yuan and some tickets. In addition, when the original owner got married, Grandma Lin also gave her 100 yuan to press box money. And after marrying Lu Cheng, Aunt Lu Cheng secretly gave her 1,500 yuan. So she is very rich at present.

Speaking of the 1,500 yuan given by Aunt Lu Cheng, Aunt Lu Cheng said a gift for her nephew and wife, which is the 100-year-old wild ginseng money. Grandma Lin said that this was a dowry for her granddaughter. Why did Aunt Lu Cheng embarrassed to use her niece's dowry? So this is a disguised subsidy for her. However, the original owner privately put away the money. She didn't say it to either the Lin family or Lu Cheng.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing was also speechless. The Lin family thought about her like this. She gave 15,000 or two thousand yuan of centennial wild ginseng as a dowry. She didn't tell the Lin family about this money, which was selfish and cool. You know, Grandma Lin gave this to her as a dowry. Even if the others of the Lin family spoil her again, how could they care about such a large amount of money? However, Grandma Lin concealed it well that the others of the Lin family don't know about this century-old wild ginseng, and they don't know it. If they know it, the Lin family will be very troubled about this matter.

Lin Qingqing thought of this and decided to explain the matter of 1,500 yuan to Lu Cheng when Lu Cheng came back. Let's see what Lu Cheng said. At the same time, I have to talk to Grandma Lin about this matter at that time, but we have to meet later. If the words of the letter are seen by others in the Lin family, Grandma Lin will hide it for nothing, and the Lin family will also complain about Grandma Lin.

Of course, it's not that she has the cheek to use the original owner's money, but for the time being, she has no money herself. When she has money, she will seal the original owner's money, or she will be filial to Grandma Lin and the original owner's parents in the future. As for Lu Cheng's money, he was at ease for the time being. Take care of his son's salary for food and accommodation. You can't take notes and spend them on yourself. After that, she earns money and returns it to him.

In other words, she still has to find a job by herself.

Knowing that Lu Haici likes to eat milk candy and meat buns, Lin Qingqing said, "When I get out of the hospital, I'll see if I can buy meat tomorrow. If I can buy it, I will make meat buns for you tomorrow."

Lu Haici was stunned when he heard this, and then cried: "Wow, woo..."

The cry not only shocked Lin Qingqing, but also the women in the same ward.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qingqing hugged him, held him in his arms, and patted him gently on the back: "Why did you suddenly cry?"

However, with her hug, Lu Haici's crying was even louder.

Lu Haici has been envious of children with their mothers since childhood. He envied his mother leading the children to play. He envied that his mother would hug the children and buy food for them. Later, he had a mother, but his mother never hugged him. Although he was happy, he didn't dare to hug him. But now, my mother hugged him and patted him gently on the back.

This reminds Lu Haici of the past. Once, he and Ji Yang came back from kindergarten. They met Ji Yang's mother on the way. Ji Yang took his mother's hand and said that his foot hurt. Ji Yang's mother picked Ji Yang up. At that time, he followed them and watched them walk all the way.

Now, he also has his mother holding him. Thinking of this, Lu Haici's tears were even more fierce.

"What's wrong? Why did you cry?" Yu Xiuyao happened to bring lunch with a basket. She heard the sound of Lu Haici in the corridor. She was so scared that she ran over quickly. She even thought about whether Lu Cheng's wife hit him. After all, he cried so earthly. As soon as I got to the door, I saw the little guy leaning against Lu Cheng's wife's arms.

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