Chapter 93-94

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Chapter 93

After commissar Qu got a speech from Lu Cheng's side, he left the interrogation room. As soon as I walked out of the interrogation room, I saw the Chief of Staff of the Independent Regiment carrying something, "Chief of Staff, why are you here?" In fact, Commissar Qu also knows that the other party should have come to inquire about Lu Cheng.

The Chief of Staff said, "I'll deliver noodles to Lu Chenglai. This is what Comrade Lin asked me to bring. He hasn't eaten dinner yet. Is it convenient to deliver noodles now?"

Political Commissar Qu said, "Suppension now. You can let the people inside come out and get it."

Chief of Staff, "Are you leaving?"

Political Commissar Qu, "Yes, leave if there is something... By the way, have you just met Comrade Lin? I'm looking for her."

Chief of Staff, "Comrade Lin is outside my office... What are you looking for her?" The Chief of Staff knew that he might not have asked about this matter, but out of concern for Lu Cheng, he still asked.

Naturally, Commissar Qu will not disclose it, but he also gave the Chief of Staff a message, "Good thing."

Hearing Commissar Qu saying this, the Chief of Staff was relieved. Then, the Chief of Staff said, "Then I'll go ahead."

After Political Commissar Qu left from this side, he went directly to the chief of staff's office to find Lin Qingqing. Sure enough, I saw Lin Qingqing standing at the door." Comrade Lin..." commissar Qu looked happy when he saw her. "I have something to find you."

Lin Qingqing saw Commissar Qu's happy face and was a little surprised, "Commissar Qu is looking for me?"

"Well..." Commissar Qu explained the matter aside. "So do you know where the newspaper is?"

"I know." Lin Qingqing said, "I'll get it for you." She is in charge of Lu Cheng's things now. She has seen all those things, so she knows.

Political Commissar Qu, "That's great."

The two came to the family home. Commissar Qu did not enter Lu's house, but waited at the door. Lin Qingqing quickly found the newspaper. When Zhang Shilin and Lu Cheng's mother divorced, Lu Cheng was only 6 years old, and now Lu Cheng is 31 years old, that is to say, 25 years have passed since this matter. The newspaper 25 years ago kept it very well." Commissar Qu is this newspaper. You see, the original divorce statement and the declaration of separation from the monsband are on this page.

Commissar Qu also saw it. He didn't expect that Lu Cheng still had a newspaper 25 years ago. In this way, Lu Cheng's matter could be solved. Of course, some people will break away from the father-son relationship after the news with their father, but this will seem ruthless. But Lu Cheng has left when he was young. In this way, others will only say that the Zhang family is ruthless, not Lu Cheng. For Lu Cheng, this is a good thing.

"Commissar Qu, is this useful?" Lin Qingqing asked reassuringly.

This time, Commissar Qu did not avoid suspicion, but said directly, "It's useful. Lu Cheng's matter should not be a big problem. Comrade Lin can rest assured."

"Commissar Qu, if Lu Cheng is found to be wronged, will the whistleblower have malice, alienate China's backbone and deliberately cause losses to the army? To put it bluntly, will the other party be a spy deliberately hiding in the crowd?" Lin Qingqing knew that the possibility of spying was very small, but... Thinking of the other party dealing with Lu Cheng like this, she wanted to kill the other party. Moreover, under normal circumstances, the state actually allows secret reporting, so even if Lu Cheng is cleared, the army will not investigate the person who reported it, or even tell Lu Cheng the identity of the other party.

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