Chapter 107-108

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Chapter 107

When Lu Cheng returned to the family home, it was time for dinner again. Some people saw Lu Cheng coming back with a few fish and quickly asked, "Director Lu, is Comrade Lin born?"

After a whole afternoon, the whole family hospital knew that Lin Qingqing's fetus moved in the afternoon, so Lu Cheng came back now. Everyone felt that Lin Qingqing was born.

Lu Cheng said with a smile, "I was born." He seldom laughs at others. Usually speaking politely and calm, but rarely with a smile. However, now, the smile on his face obviously reveals his joy. The joy that comes from the heart can't be suppressed.

Everyone was also infected by his smile." I'm happy to see Commander Lu. Is this a daughter?" This does not mean to "curse" others to have a daughter. In the eyes of ordinary people, asking them if they have a daughter may mean this, because this era favors son over daughters, but not in the Lu family. After more than half a year of publicity, everyone knows that the Lu family likes their daughters. That's why I asked.

Lu Cheng said, "I gave birth to a daughter." He doesn't talk much. If you ask a question, you will answer one sentence. Because he was in a hurry to go back and make porridge
for Lin Qingqing, he didn't stop when answering.

"Before, I have a son and then a daughter. Congratulations to Commander Lu on both children."

"That's not true. They bloom first and then bear fruit. Commander Lu, this is the result first and then blooms."

"It's good to be a brother first. If you have a brother to support your sister, who dares to bully her sister?"

That's true. If the age gap between the younger brother and the sister is large, the younger brother can't support her. But the elder brother is different. The elder brother is older than the younger sister. If the sister is bullied by her mother-in-law, the elder brother will directly hit the door.

Someone laughed and said, "If someone dares to bully her, we won't agree."

"That is, whoever dares to bully, our whole family home disagrees."

Then everyone laughed.

Lu Cheng's door saw smoke from the chimney at home. He thought that Lu Haici should have come back from school." Hai Ci?"

As soon as Lu Haici heard his father's voice, he ran out of the kitchen excitedly, "Dad, did mom give birth?" Did you give birth to a younger brother or a sister?"

Lu Cheng looked at his sweat on his forehead, and his eyes were bright and he couldn't help touching his head, "I was born, it's my sister." Maybe I was not born in Lu Haici before. Lu Haici was brought up by his aunt when he was a child. Therefore, Lu Cheng has his father's love for his son, his father's hope for his son, and his father's education for his son. However, he did not look at Lin Qingqing's excitement to give birth to a child, nor did he have the unrestrained and unrestrained mood of rising from the heart after the child in Lin Qingqing's belly gave birth.

But now, when he sees Lu Haici again, he has this mood and feels like my son has grown up.

When Lu Haici heard that it was his sister, he jumped up happily, "That's great." Compared with his younger brother, he prefers his younger sister. His younger sister is beautiful and cute, and his younger brother is very naughty." Dad, I cooked porridge for my mother. He nagged, "When I came back from school, everyone said that my mother went to the hospital to give birth to my younger brother and sister. I asked Aunt Qin how I cooked for my mother. Aunt Qin said that my mother had just given birth to a baby and wanted to eat rice soup." The rice was washed by himself, and the water was added to him by Aunt Qin. When he cooked porridge, he couldn't calm down for a long time." Dad, can I go to the hospital to see my mother and sister later? He has a lot of money in his piggy bank. He will go to the county seat on Sunday to buy gifts for his sister.

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