1. All Mine

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"It's mine... all mine." Daenarys sat on the iron throne, it felt right, it felt like power. She stared back at Jon as he came in. What to do with Aegon Targaryen?

"It suits you." Jon remarked softly.

"It does." She agreed stiffly. She crossed a leg over the other as her fingers trilled along the throne.

"I take you know my true parentage." Jon remarked stepping closer.

"I do." Dany agreed. "What is your purpose Jon Snow." she hissed. Jon stared back at her. They were close once, he thought he loved her but looking at her now he only saw what everyone warned him. Mad King. Mad Queen.

"What is your purpose?" Jon countered. "What will you do? Kings Landing is yours-'

"The seven kingdoms are mine." She corrected pompously. Jon opened his mouth but he heard the dorthraki and unsullied soldiers coming closer. Jon turned to see Tyrion, he took hesitant steps forward.

Daenarys Targaryen burned kings landing to the ground and no one said a word. All too dead to speak, burnt to a crisp. Yet there Jon stood, there Tyrion stood.

Jon always thought he had a strong moral compass always thought that he was like his father... like Ned Stark. Tried to do what was right. But now he saw the world burning and he let out a shaky breath as he clamped his lips shut.

"Lord Tyrion... what do you think should happen to our.... friend, Jon Snow?" Dany asked and Jon met her harsh gaze.

"Your grace?" Tyrion questioned stepping forward.

"You are my hand." Dany reminded him. "He is a man, false claims, to my throne." Tyrion looked between them as he stepped forward again.

"Jon Snow... could..." Tyrion knew Jon was a better option after what they saw today. But he also knew that speaking up now would end in both of their deaths instantly. Jon looked to Tyrion waiting for certain death.

"Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen." Tyrion spoke clearly. "He could relinquish his claims and be sent to the wall." Tyrion offered thinking it a mercy.

"The wall... he was at the wall when this started, there is no guarantees in the wall and its patrons." Dany remarked.

"What did you have in mind your grace?" Tyrion asked cautiously. Jon kept his gaze down.

"You, Aegon Targaryen will relinquish all claims to the iron throne. Then you will secure a bond with the north." Dany told him. Jon stared back at her. "As you said, Northern men are fickle, don't like outsiders. You will make them bend the knee."

"How do you expect him to do this?" Tyrion asked. "He is a northern man-"

"He is a Targaryen." Dany corrected bitterly. "He will form a union with the starks of winterfell."

"Your grace. The starks of winterfell, Katrina and Sansa Stark are his sisters." Tyrion reminded her.

"No." Dany corrected. "They are not."

"Your grace," Jon spoke up. "I don't see Trina agreeing to this."

"Then you will make her agree." Dany informed him. "You will relinquish your claims and head north. You will tell her of your impending union."

"And if she refuses?" Jon asked.

"Best hope she doesnt." Dany spat back.

Jon stared back up at her a long moment. You could cut the tension with a knife. Dany's gaze was threatening. After all they had been through together, Jon didn't know what to expect but a marriage to Katrina was not it.

"Well? What shall it be?" Dany demanded. Jon let out a deep breath as he dropped down to one knee.

"I Jo- Aegon Targaryen, hereby relinquish all claims to the iron throne to the rightful queen Daenarys Targaryen." Jon declared he focused on the ground, pushing the words out.

"Rise." Dany said satisfied. "Best get going." Jon stood, bowed and headed out. Tyrion followed after him.

"You think Katrina will reject this offer?" Tyrion asked chasing after him.

"I think she is going to laugh in my face." Jon agreed.

"I know your sister, she was a sweet girl," Tyrion offered. "She will understand."

"You mean, Trina is sarcastic and bossy, protective, loyal, and an expert at insulting and complimenting you in the same breath then yes, my Trina is sweet." Jon agreed.

"You are a handsome man." Tyrion offered. "I'm sure once you tell her that if she doesnt agree you will lose your head she will kiss you on the spot." Jon stared back down at him. "She is family, she will want to protect you."

"I know she was just already married twice." Jon reminded him.

"Yes. I was there for one." Tyrion agreed having married Katrina at his father demands.

"Ramsay..." Jon huffed out a breath.

"She knows your heart." Tyrion reminded him. "She knows you will be kind to her. I believe that if you explain to her that this is not your choice, you and her can find a happy medium."

"Tyrion, you don't understand." Jon began. "Daenarys may be pushing this union but.... I've been in love with Trina since we were kids. She was my first kiss."

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