23. Secret Lovers

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''Trina I got a raven from tyrion but it doesnt make a lick of sense''. Jon remarked. He stopped mid step as he looked up from the scroll Lyanna was latched onto Trinas breast.

''Oh look I can still make you blush. And considering where your tongue has been that's surprising.'' Trina teased reaching a hand out as Jon sat beside her.

''You are so beautiful. I cant help it. I keep thinking im going to wake up and this will have all been some sort of inception.'' Jon admitted kissing her cheek.

''All real,'' she corrected leaning into him. ''Alright Tyrion what are you telling me?'' Trina stared down at it before smirking. "Look in my trunk the bottom corner. Its a flat metal sheet.'' Jon got up rummaging he held it up and trina nodded. ''When I was married to Tyrion he used coded messages sometimes we made our own decoder.'' Trina chuckled putting it down over the scroll and all the memories came flooding back. 


"Why do you code your messages?" Trina asked and tyrion jumped in his seat. "Sorry, husband." Trina coed. 

"Put a bell on you." Tyrion declared. 


"So others dont know what I'm saying." Tyrion informed her. 

"Sneaky, what secret lovers are you hiding love letters to?" Trina mused and Tyrion choked on his tongue. "You have a lover!" Trina declared. "Oh thats cute, thats really cute that you think I care who you fuck." 

"It's not... this... Trina." Tyrion whined but she kept laughing. 

"No, no, don't let me interrupt your love letters." Trina agreed. 

"It's not a love letter." Tyrion corrected. 

"Then show me." Trina reasoned. "I've heard of coded messages but never got one myself. Are they hard?" 

"Different for every person." Tyrion remarked. "We could make one." 

"I'm right here right now with you. I'm stuck here with you for all eternity." Trina reminded him. "I don't think we need secret messages we could just tell each other all the bullshit and hope not to lose our heads." 

"I love you. Marry me again." Tyrion declared completely serious.  

"Lets make a code." Trina countered. Tyrion and Trina went to flee bottom and got two small metal sheets. When they got back, they punctured holes in the metal sheets seemingly random but both codes, both sheets were identical. Trina had memorized the placement of the holes as Tyrion wrote a letter writing within the dots marking a little tick so he knew where he was going and what he was to write. Trina waited patiently as he worked before he turned around and brought the scroll and the parchment to her.

"It looks like nonsense." Trina remarked staring at the page. 

"You move the decoder over three words you see?" Tyrion asked. She moved it reading off the words before moving it again and the message was clear.

''That's wonderful! How do you know when its done and when its gibberish?" trina countered.

''When the first hole gets to cake.'' Tyrion declared and trina laughed out.


''Darrio naharis is on his way to winterfell. To swear loyalty to the north. To the queen of the north.'' Trina corrected as she read. ''She is a tyrant and he was blinded. He is ready to make amends the second sons are ours.''

''You got all that from gibberish?'' Jon corrected.

''Cake.'' She let the decoder fall to her lap. ''Danaerys wouldnt have known our code or code word and this is tyrions writing. We are about to be getting some company."


Arya was marching through the gates of winterfell with a smug look on her face when she saw Trina. 

"You married your brother, fucked your brother and had a baby with him." Arya shouted out. 

"Your brother too." Trina reminded her. 

"Are we lannisters now?" Arya declared with a cackle. 

"I missed you too little shit." Trina replied hugging her tight. 

"Where is my niece?" Arya demanded happily. 

"Sandor has her." Trina remarked and Arya stared back at her. "I like Sandor, I know you two butt heads constantly but he's alright." 

"He is a shit." Arya corrected. 

"Saved your life didnt he?" Trina countered. 

"I didnt need saving" Arya sassed. 

"I missed you." Trina repeated as she pushed open Lyanna's door. 

"Oh not this shit." Sandor barked. 

"I see you missed her as much as she missed you!" Trina declared smiling between them. "Arya, this is Lyanna Stark." 

"Stark?" Arya mused. 

"Officially Targaryen for the dragon bitch." Trina countered. "But Officially, officially Lyanna Rose Stark." Arya took her from Sandor and Lyanna continued to sleep peacefully in Arya's arms. 

"She's cute." Arya admitted. 

"Why is she back?" Sandor countered. 

"Fuck you too Hound." Arya agreed. 

"Language around my little love." Trina begged. 

"She sleeps, shits and sucks on your pretty tit." Sandor reminded Trina. "She's not going to remember us cussing." 

"Pretty tit." Arya repeated already laughing. 

"Shoot me now." Trina grumbled. 

"Oh and by the way I saw a fleet of ships headed this way. Second sons I think." Arya remarked. Trina stared back at her. "Was that important?" Arya mused. 

"Little. Shit." Trina repeated wrapping an arm around her. "I missed you." 

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