26. Last of the Starks

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Lyanna was babbling contently as they started packing up rations and weapons. Trina stared back at her nervously. 

"I won't let anything happen to you. To either of you." Jon assured. 

"Jon, I'm scared." Trina whispered as she hugged him. "We are going to war with the dragon."

"I won't let anything happen to you or Lyanna." Jon assured. "Protect you with my life."

"I don't want to lose you." Trina corrected. "Jon that's what I'm worried about-"

"Hey, when you said Gendry was coming-" Arya began as she pushed open the door but she stopped herself. Her face scrunched up before she covered her eyes with her hand. "Gross. Just gross." Arya declared. 

"Grow up please." Trina begged. "Asking about your boyfriend but making faces while I hug my husband..." Trina tsked. 

"Gross." Arya repeated before plopping down on their bed but she jumped back up quickly. "You did it... here." She rasped. Trina rolled her eyes. 

"Bran delivered a message to Gendry. He is meeting us at the capital instead." Jon remarked. 

"Are you sure he should be at the capital when we-" Arya began but Trina held out a scroll to her. "What's this?" She stared at the broken Targaryen seal. 

"An invitation from the dragon." Trina remarked. Arya Un scrolled it. 

"It has been a glorious year," Arya read off. "-has it though?" She countered and Trina sighed moving to Lyanna. "To celebrate Daenarys Stormborn Targaryen, queen of the Iron Throne, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains- she used up the scroll on her bullshit titles." Arya remarked. 

"Yep." Trina agreed holding Lyanna to her. 

"and her first full year as the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms." Arya shook her head letting out a huff. "Has it been a year already?"

"Longer." Jon corrected. 

"She requests- is it a request it sounds more like a demand." Arya countered. 

"That's what I said too." Trina agreed. 

"Requests the presence of all her great and loyal houses to a banquet in her honor at the capital." Arya finished. "In two moons time..." Arya looked to Jon.

"We were already going, it gives us a real reason to be in the capital if her unsullied or dothraki come upon us." Trina remarked. 

"It's a fucking trap. One of our people squawked and now you are walking into the fire." Arya declared. 

"What choice do we have?" Trina countered. 

"Run?" Sansa added from the door. 

"You know Trina won't do that." Bran remarked. Trina chuckled looking around the room. "What?" Bran added. 

"I remember the last time we were like this, whispering in a room..." Trina remarked. "Arya declared us the last of the starks..."


'We have won the great war and now we will meet win the last war. In all seven kingdoms men will live without fear under their rightful queen' Daenerys told them confidently. Everyone cleared out except the starks. Trina looked to Jon, grabbing his hand stopping him. 

'We need to talk' arya told jon and he looked back at his siblings, as Tyrion shut the door.

'Do you understand? we will be dead without her.' jon told them.

'Arya is the one that killed the night king.' Trina reminded him.

'Those men died defending-' jon began.

'That does not mean that I will kneel before her.' sansa told him.

'I gave my respect to her' jon told them.

'I respect that.' arya added.

'you respect that?' sansa questioned incredulously. 

"Of course she does, Arya likes to make our heads spin." Trina mused. 

'We needed her army and her dragons and you were doing the right thing by telling her you that but we do not trust your queen.' arya told him.

'You don't know her.' jon reminded them.

'I will never know her. She is not one of us.' Arya snapped.

'Thats a shit way to make allies' jon corrected. 

'I dont need many allies' arya informed him.

'We are family the five of us. The last of the starks' Arya reminded him

'Ive never been a stark.' Jon murmured. 

"That's not true." Trina told him immediately. 'You are just as much as stark as the rest of us' 

'you are my brother, not my bastard brother but my brother.' Arya reminded him.

'it's your choice.' Bran said when Jon looked over at him

'I need to tell you something but you have to swear you will never tell another soul.' Jon told them

'What is it?'

'You have to swear it before I tell you' jon demanded.

'How can I promise to keep a secret if I don't know what it is?' Sansa questioned.

'Because we are family. Swear it.' Jon demanded.

'I swear it' arya said He looked at Sansa.

'I swear' she agreed. Jon looked to Trina. 

"How many secrets do we have Jon?" Trina countered. "I think you know me better than that. I'm like a vault." She held out her pinky and he locked his with hers. "Pinky promises, can't break that shit." Trina remarked. 

'Tell them' Jon told Bran as he pulled Trina too him.


"Six of us now." Sansa remarked touching little Lyanna's head. 

"To Lyanna Rose Stark." Arya declared. "May she never find love with a Targaryen and start a rebellion that leads to all our ruin!"

"ARYA!" Trina shouted. 

"What? That was a great speech." Arya countered. 

"You know without that rebellion none of us would be here." Trina remarked as Lyanna coed in her sleep. "Father wouldnt have married mother. Never would have had us..."

"You might have still been married to Jon." Bran remarked. Sansa stared back at him shaking her head. "Robert and our father were best friends. If Robert and aunt Lyanna had Jon it stands to reason that they might have matched you two anyways." 

"What a strange thought." Trina said softly as she glanced to Jon. "Maybe we were always meant to be."

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