31. Drop Me From The Clouds

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6 Years later

"It is totally fine."

"I'm totally terrified." Trina countered.

"Mama!" Lyanna begged.

"I'm sorry that the idea of you and Eddard flying alone together terrifies me." Trina corrected.

"You fly with dad." Lyanna countered.

"Your dad is a grown up. Your baby brother is a baby, you my little love are still a child. I love you and trust you but I don't like you riding alone let alone with your baby brother." Trina corrected.

"Mama!" Lyanna begged. "He really wants to."

"Really wants to what?"  Tyrion questioned coming up behind them and Trina smirked.

"Tyrion would you go on a ride with Lyanna?" Trina asked. Tyrion looked to Drogon basking in the sun and his face pinched.

"I like my feet on the ground, your grace." Tyrion corrected.

"Talk to your father about it." Sandor instructed.

"But I protect queen mommy and I need a sword!" Eddard demanded as she chased after Sandor.

"I protect your mommy just fine." Sandor corrected.

"But thats my job!" Eddard corrected. "And if I don't have a blade, then... well... I can't do a good job!"

"talk to your mother." Sandor offered.

"Mommy can I have a blade!" Eddard begged coming up behind them and leaning into her legs.

"You have your sparing swords." Trina corrected.

"No a real one, I need a real one so I can protect you." Eddard corrected her confidently.

"Sandor does a fine job." Trina assured him as she knelt before him.

"Come on uncle Tyrion just one ride! Mama doesnt like me flying alone." Lyanna went on.

"Daddy would let." Eddard corrected.

"Then why didnt you ask him lil shit?" Sandor countered. Eddard laughed pointing a finger up at Sandor.

"He said shit." Eddard laughed out.

"You are lucky I like you sandor or I would punch you." Trina informed him.

"I didnt come out for dragon riding." Tyrion informed Trina as he followed her back inside.

"Uncle Sandor?" Lyanna begged.

"You gonna drop me from the clouds?" Sandor countered.

"Never. Drogon is really gentle. Please mama doesnt like me flying alone!"

"Sansa and Arya delivered girls the both of them." Tyrion remarked.

"Oh how wonderful!" Trina declared.

"Maybe they will be as close as we are." Arya mused. Sansa snorted a laugh.

"Oh yes, you daughter will be a terror for 15 years-" Sansa teased.

"And yours a prissy thing falling for princes." Arya agreed.

"Eddard is a wonderful prince. I wouldnt mind my daughter falling for him." Sansa countered.

"Hes her cousin. Our nephew. Dont start with the targaryen bullshit." Arya corrected.

"Can you two pretend to get along?" Gendry mused.

"Yeah happy day!" Finn agreed holding his daughter in his arms.

"So Trina and Jon are queen and King." Sansa remarked as Gendry and Finn echoed your grace.

"You are family you dont have to-" trina told them every time.

"-can we be princesses and- oh Trina. I was thinking-" sansa went on.

"Names? Me too. So many thoughts!" Trina agreed.

"Can my daughter be a princess?" Sansa corrected.

"Yes." Trina agreed. "Princesses one and two."

"I saw Drogon flying-" Jon declared "-and you were here which means-"

"She convinced Sandor to fly with her." Trina mused.

"King Snow." Arya declared dramatically.

"Ha ha." Jon said dryly as he pulled Trina with him. "I got a surprise for you."

"Is it my name day?" Trina questioned holding onto his hand as they walked.

"Someones name day." He corrected leading her outside. "Avalon had a batch."

"Puppies!" Trina declared.

It felt like history was repeating itself. Except this time the realms had a good king and queen that had everyones best interest at heart.

A King and Queen that actually knew what good was. A queen the people chose because they saw the good too.

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