7. My Hands Are Tied

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''I feel like my hands are tied jon." Trina remarked.

''I know, I know," Jon agreed bringing a hand to her waist. ''I know Im not... probably who you wanted to marry.'' Jon remarked.

''There are plenty worse." Trina offered.

'Thanks.'' Jon choked out a laugh. Trina looked him over as his thumb ran along the stitching of her dress his eyes focused on the spot.

"I do love you Jon." Trina assured.

''But not how I love you." Jon remarked finally meeting her gaze. "I have had the biggest crush on you Trina for years. Since we were kids. Then Ada shelby dared you to kiss me and that was it. I knew I was screwed."


"I didnt ask for this." Jon clarified. "But honestly there is no one I would rather marry than you." Trina stared back at him. "I know im your brother Jon. Im... just Jon Snow." He remarked "but Trina to me you are the whole damn universe. I knew when Daenarys demanded this that you wouldnt like it. I knew you would think of me as Jon. Your brother. But I couldnt help but feel a wave of happiness and fear that I could... we could... or that you would hate me forever."

 Trina just stared back at him wordlessly. What was there to say? She would marry him, for the north, for her family, she would do this. But still she felt like there was no choice, there was nothing she could do but agree. Her hands were tied but there were worse than Jon. Jon was a good man, her friend, she did love him. But he was right, she didnt love him as he loved her. 

 "After your first two marriages I know you didnt want to be forced into another but I wont force myself upon you. I swear. I love you. I respect you. The north is yours. I dont want to take your crown." Jon assured. 

"I don't have a crown." Trina teased. 

"You would look good in a crown." Jon offered. Trina chuckled. 

"I would, Robb would give me hell and say it was making my head too big." Trina remarked as Jon got a little bit closer. 

"The people chose you. What you say goes." Jon assured. Trina nodded slowly as she felt him step closer again his feet to hers, his hands sliding to her hips.

"I guess we are dancing with our hands tied then." Trina offered kissing his cheek. 


"You can't be serious." Sansa demanded. 

"I think you are supposed to say congratulations?" Trina mused. 


"That's the one." Trina agreed. 

"After everything he did?"

"You may sleep in mother and fathers chambers Sansa but I am in charge." Trina reminded her.

"Do you want the room?" Sansa whispered. "Since you are going to be bedding Aegon." 

"Sansa, stop it." Trina begged "And I am doing whats best for the north. For our family. Leaders have to make..." Her words drifted off. "Seven hells Brandon." she muttered moving past sansa. 

"I was wondering when you-" Bran began. 

"North, family, leader. Why the fuck didnt you give a warning?" Trina demanded. 

"He needed to tell you." Bran offered. 

"I don't like you keeping me in the dark!" Trina declared. 

"I know.... congratulations." Bran offered. Trina reached out fisting her hands in front of him. "Love you too." Bran said innocently as she marched off. 


"Your grace, a raven from  winterfell." Tyrion remarked holding it out. Dany snatched it from him. 

"The wardeness of the north has graciously accepted the union between Katrina Stark and Aegon Targaryen." Dany read off. She skimmed along looking for something along the lines of the north is yours, we bend to you, accept your claim. There was no notion of bending. Just a gracious acceptance of her union. 

"That is good news..." Tyrion remarked but Dany didnt look like someone that had just won. 

"You read this and tell me if its good, Hand." Dany spat back. She liked Jon but him being Aegon Targaryen and not Jon Snow made her passions fade. She wanted to rule, she didnt need a man, a male Targaryen, sitting next to her. But he bent so easily she assumed that he could convince his ever stubborn Starks to bend. 

"They agreed. Katrina Stark agreed." Tyrion reiterated. "I don't... understand." 

"Where is the north is mine? Where is her bent knee!" Dany spat. "Where is her unfailing, unwavering, dying gratitude?"

"One step at a time." Tyrion offered hesitantly. "Jon Snow can convince them..." He knew that was a lie. He knew Trina well himself and he knew that she was stubborn and would never bend. 

"You will go to this wedding. Be my eyes and ears." Dany instructed. Tyrion nodded eagerly. He had indeed received a raven with an invitation himself. "Best be going then." Dany spat. 

Dancing With Our Hands Tied // Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now