29. Fire

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"You know this is a trap." Bran remarked. 

"I am going to do what needs to be done." Jon assured. "I won't let Trina get hurt. I won't let the north, the people get hurt. I wasnt brave enough to do what had to be done before. I am now. I have something worth fighting for." 

"And if it ends in your death?" Bran countered. 

"As long as I take her down with me then it was worth it." Jon assured. 

Jon came up to Trina and kissed her like his life depended on it. She breathed him in as her arms wrapped around him. He never wanted to let her go. But knew what he had to do meant possibly not coming back. 

"I love you so much, I'm so sorry for all of this." Jon declared. 

"We can win this." Trina corrected. "I wouldnt change a thing about you." She assured kissing him again. "I love you and I love our little Lyanna." She brought a hand to his cheek and wiped at the tear falling down his handsome face. 

"I love you and I love you and I love you." Jon whispered hugging her again before kissing Lyanna's face. 

Trina watched him walk off and she was flooded with pain and worry. What was he doing?

"Come to abandon all hope and declare that you need me." Dany declared when she saw Jon and only Jon enter her throne room. Jon glanced around the room, her soldiers. "Leave us." Dany demanded. She didn't like how easy he gave up on her but then again she did demand it. She liked that he could follow orders so well. That he did as she said and married Trina, came when she called. Perhaps he was the man she needed sat beside herself. Jon waited patiently as her soldiers cleared out. He watched as she rose from her throne.

"So, Aegon Targaryen..."


"Bran what's happening?" Trina demanded. 

"I have a plan-"

"Tell me the fucking plan. No keeping me in the dark." Trina demanded. 

"I have to wait." Bran corrected. 


"Trina, the plan is to wait."

"NO! Tell me what Jon's doing." Trina demanded. 

"He is handling it." Trina turned around but Bran grabbed her arm. "You have to let him."

"He is going to handle it how? Kill her? Her army will kill him!" 

"I know." Bran agreed and Trina blinked back at him. 

"YOU KNOW!" She shouted. 

"Trina he didnt want to risk you."

"Her armies-"

"I'm handling them." Bran assured. 

"I got Bran for when he goes all voodoo." Arya and Gendry assured. 

"Voodoo?" Bran countered. Arya shrugged. 

"Go get him." Arya agreed. Lyanna clutched to Trina for dear life, tears in her eyes when she tried to pass her off. 

"Baby I will be right back." Trina assured. 

"No, mama, no." Lyanna whimpered reaching out for her. 


Jon killed Daenarys, his blade rammed tightly in her chest. She gasped for breath as her mouth filled with blood.

"I thank you, Dany." Jon seethed. "I have never been happier then when I'm with Trina. I wouldnt have had the strength, the courage, the bravery to tell Trina how I really felt, how I have felt since we were kids... but you are wrong, you don't know what is good. You want what you want, you take what you want, you don't care for the people you care for yourself." Jon twisted the blade as she choked for breath. Her nails digging into his hand trying to pull the blade free, to save herself. "I should have done this sooner. You are not my queen, I should have seen that sooner. Trina Stark of Winterfell has always been my queen." Dany slumped against him and he let her fall to the ground, blade still buried in her chest.

Drogon came flying through and Jon faltered back. Drogon looked to Daenarys dead on the ground as Trina pushed open the throne room doors. 

Fire gurgled in Drogons large mouth as he turned his sights on Jon. 

"NO!" Trina screamed out but Drogon breathed his fiery breath at Jon, melting the iron throne as well.

 Trina stared at the smoke and fire, she felt its heat too hot even from where she stood as she took a step back. She screamed out for Jon but all she saw was fire. 

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