10. Ass Canopy

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''Where is Trina?" Jon questioned when he saw Sansa. But Sansa stared back at Jon, her face unreadable. ''Have you seen her?''

''I saw her.'' Sansa agreed

''I want to - I need to talk to her.'' Jon remarked.

"Get her to bend the knee before you hurt her too?" Sansa remarked. 

"I would never hurt Trina." Jon declared, he was hurt that Sansa would even think that Jon would. 

''Shes at the hot springs.'' Bran remarked rolling past.

''Hot springs?''

''Through the woods maybe a half mile out. Its hidden a bit.''  Bran remarked. ''When the current queen was here her dragons shed some scales melted a hole stays hot boiling really. Trina calls it the hot springs.''

''Okay. Thanks. I'll find it.'' Jon replied as he turned around.

It took some searching but he heard Trina singing a little tune and followed the sound of her voice.

🎶 Are you are you coming to the tree where a dead man called out 🎶 they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be 🎶 if we met at midnight... hello Jon.'' Trina tipped her head back to him. He crouched next to her running his hand in the water.

''This is nice.'' Jon remarked.

''One benefit of her little visit.'' Trina told him. ''You were looking for me?'' She presumed.

''You have the sight like Bran?'' Jon mused

''You didnt know about the hot spring.'' Trina corrected. ''I didnt find it until after you left for the capital.'' Jon nodded running his hand back and forth in the water grazing her arm.

''Can I join you?'' Jon whispered Trina nodded and Jon rose up and started peeling away his layers. ''You all natural under those bubbles?'' Jon mused as he stripped down to his boxers.

''Guess you will have to come in and find out.'' Trina countered. She stared back at him.

''How deep is it?'' Jon asked staring down.

''I cant touch but you are taller than me. If I try really hard I can hit the bottom its a bit of a drop.'' Trina remarked. ''Are you gonna- jon!'' Trina declared as he jumped over her head and into the water. Her head ducked down as he flew over her splashing her.

''Oh it is nice.'' Jon remarked when he popped up.

''I was relaxing,' Trina reminded him as she wiped the water from her face.

''This seems more fun.'' Jon countered. ''What are you sitting on?'' Jon questioned moving to her. He felt around feeling her thighs and the tree roots under her. ''Inventive you are.'' Jon remarked.

''The roots,'' Trina informed him. "They weaved in and around still, some are a bit low but this one is the perfect ass canopy."

"Ass canopy." Jon repeated his hands wrapping around the roots on either side of her, rocking back and forth in front of her. 

"I want carrot cake." Trina told him out of the blue. Jon nodded looking around. 

"Right now?" Jon mused. 

"I had two weddings, I didnt get carrot cake at either." Trina informed him. "I want carrot cake." she repeated. 

"I think we can definitely do that." Jon agreed. He looked down at the bubbles moving up through the water. 

"It's cool right." Trina remarked. "The scales, they give off their own heat and as the ground shifts under it, the scales shake and form little bubbles."

"You come here a lot?" Jon asked moving his hand and feeling the thin material of a dress on her hip. 

"Yeah, helps me think out here." Trina informed him. 

"Think about ways to kill your future husband?" Jon mused. 

"Jon... I was thinking..." Trina breathed out a slow breath as she felt his hand on her skin as he rocked from hand to hand on the root she was sitting on. 

"I do love you." Trina assured. "I was thinking about, well Ramsay actually." 

"I won't hurt you." Jon assured meeting her gaze. "I would never- I would never force myself-"

"I know." Trina assured stopping him as she brought a hand up dragging down his jaw and neck. "I was thinking about when we got out, Sansa and I and how you hugged me and I hadnt felt that safe in a long time." Trina remarked, blinking away her tears. "You hugged me and I thought I'm safe because I have Jon. I'm home because I'm with Jon."

"Always." Jon agreed. "Always."

"Jon I love you. I love you so much. I trust you. I know your heart." Trina told him placing a hand to his heart. He leaned forward gripping the root tighter using it to lift himself to her. 

His lips met hers as her hand snaked around his neck keeping him to her. He lifted a hand wanting to be closer, to hold her closer but he needed the balance and slipped down, involuntarily breaking the kiss. Trina laughed out as Jon spurted out water, shaking his hair out as he treaded water before her. 

He fell in love with that smile of Trina's ages ago, but seeing her smiling back at him, because of him, her lip caught between her teeth as she tried to contain her laughter. He couldnt wait to make Trina, his wife.

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