24. Treason

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"Now this could be a trap but my source is great. I trust him not to lead us into a trap." Trina informed her people. "But I cannot be sure that he is not being tricked himself. We open our arms to the second sons. We find out what they want, what their real purpose is. If they want to bend we have to make sure they are not tricking us. Not on the dragon bitches side and trying to destroy us." Trina declared confidently.

"We play the game." Tommy agreed.

"We play." Trina agreed. "If they are sincere then her reign across the narrow sea has ended. Her dothraki wont make that trip back again, they think they are safe here in westeros. Our home."

"The cockless men are loyal to her still. Even if we have the second sons we have her dragon, two armies and all the houses to scared not to bend." Arthur reminded her.

Trina had Jon sitting beside her as a show of strength and solidarity that she trusted Jon. She also gave him Lyanna knowing most of her men and women would be on their better behavior if her baby was present.

"One problem at a time." Trina requested.

"Your grace." Finn declared. "They have docked."

"Lord Shelbys. Do meet our guest." Trina instructed as the brothers got up.

"With the utmost pleasure!" Arthur declared finishing his drink.

"Sandor?" Trina asked. "You up for a meet and greet or are you still licking your wounds?" Sandor scoffed as he got up.

"Im fine." Sandor barked and Trina chuckled as she sat down.

"Then lets prepare to meet our guests." Trina declared.


Darrio Naharis was gorgeous. There was no denying it. Jon didnt like him already especially when Darrio got down on one knee and swore loyalty to the north, to Katrina Stark, Queen of the north. 

"Rise. Please, lets talk in the office." Trina requested. Jon expected her tell him to wait and stay put but she grabbed his hand and led him along with her. 

Arthur stood at the guard once Darrio was inside while John and Tommy Shelby were interrogating his second sons army over drinks.

"Darrio, welcome to winterfell. I hope your journey was fruitful" Trina offered. 

"I meant what I said." Darrio reminded her. 

"Treason." Trina reminded him calmly as she took her seat. 

"I have been corresponding with the capital, with Dany... she wants the world. If she doesnt get it the world burns and she can withstand the flames." Darrio reminded her. 

"I am Trina Targaryen now. My dear husband... Aegon and I have a wonderful child." Trina informed him, looking for weakness and faults revealing his true intentions and honest nature to why he risked the journey. Arya stood arms crossed over her chest, ready to attack at any moment.

"No." Darrio declared his hands slammed down on the table as he rose up, Jon took a protective step forward in front of Trina. "No, I thought you northerners were braver than that. You bent, you want to live our your days as her bitch?" Daario barked.

"Watch yourself Darrio." Jon snapped. 

"No, no, Tyrion had such faith in you!" Darrio spat. "He said you were our last hope!"

"Have you ever met Tyrion?" Trina asked putting a hand on Jon's arm pulling him back. 

"We met once." Daario informed her. "I heard about the war on the capital, I loved Danaerys at one point and I wanted to be here to protect her to help her." 

True intentions coming out, Trina thought as Daario looked so vulnerable. 

"But I came too late and saw the damage done." Daario informed her. "Tyrion told me after he sent you,' Daario nodded to Jon. "-to winterfell, he told me that I had to leave, to flea that if there wasnt a sane voice across the narrow sea to not blindly follow her commands the whole world would burn." 

"Yet you came back." Jon remarked. 

"I left a commander I trust in charge. He will make no move while I'm gone. They will hold their positions." Daario informed him. 

"Why come here? Why ask me to break faith with the queen?" Trina asked patiently. 

"Tyrion said that when the time came you were our best chance." Daario answered honestly. "I see he was wrong, it's been too long and now we will all burn." Daario hissed as he headed to the door in outrage but Arthur blocked the door still. 

"Let's have a drink Daario, talk." Trina requested again. 

"I have said all I need to. Tyrion was wrong, you are not our savior. I will kill Daenarys myself if I have to I won't watch the world burn." Daario hissed giving Arthur a shove. 

"Treason." Trina repeated calmly.

"Fuck your treason, this is for the good of the realm." Daario shouted. 

 "Take a fucking seat Daario." Trina instructed. He stared back at her. "I had to make sure." 

"Of what?" Daario countered. 

"That you werent a spy trying to ruin us." Trina informed him. "Sit." Trina said as she poured him a drink. "I dont believe you to be a good enough actor to fake hatred like that. I believe you, lets get started."

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