15. Yes, it will be Bloody

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Coup, a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. 

"It's not unlawful." Trina offered breezily. "And who said it was going to be sudden?" She tsked leaning back in her chair. "We are in the long game." She corrected. "Violent however. Yes. It will be bloody."

"Excuse us lord Imp." Ada said pulling on Trina's arm. "She is getting married in the morrow."

"Ada, it's fine. I tolerate Tyrion." Trina mused offering Tyrion a cheeky smile. 

"Have a lovely night." Tyrion agreed. 

"Night Tyrion." Trina called back to him. Ada pulled her along, out of the castle. "Ada, wrong way." Trina remarked. 

"Nope." Ada countered. Sansa stared back at them. 

"I hate this already." Sansa remarked. 

"I don't know what we are doing." Trina countered. "Brienne?" She opened her mouth but Ada shushed her. 

"Come on, last night of freedom!" Ada declared. 

"What are you-"

Jon watched as Trina was dragged away from the castle. He took a step forward confused as Ada declared. 


"It's fine. She is fine." Bran assured. 

"What's going on?" Jon countered. Bran stared up at him. "Right..." Jon murmured. He headed back to his chambers staring at the ceiling, listening for the sounds of Trina coming down the hall, getting back safety, he waited and waited. She couldnt be running, could she?

"ADA!" Trina declared laughing out. Sansa covered her eyes with her hands holding back laughter. 

"Oh hush, Tommy was more than happy to this." Ada assured in a fit of giggles. 

"Tommy," Trina couldnt stop laughing. "What the actual fuck?" Then she saw Arthur and she doubled over in laughter. "I'm either too drunk or not drunk enough for this much Shelby men." Trina declared. 

"You are taking a hit." Tommen remarked. 

"And like Ada said, we are happy to." Arthur agreed. 

"This is your sister!" Trina declared. 

"They are not striping on me." Ada clarified. Sansa peeked through her fingers as the youngest of the shelby brothers walked up to her. "Oh and we thought sansa needed some fun."

"Hello, Finn." Sansa whispered, her face blushing crimson.

"Enjoy the show and yours hands are welcome to touch anything you want." Tommy assured winking at Trina.

"I'm dying. I'm dead." Trina declared. 

"I don't think I should be here." Brienne remarked. 

"Nope, sit your ass down. This is Trina's last night of freedom before she is tied down to Targaryen's-" Ada reminded them. Trina couldnt stop laughing as Arthur and Tommy danced around her pulling off their clothes. Tommy took her hand putting it on his stomach as Trina nearly tipped over she was laughing so hard. 

"Ada!" Trina laughed out. 

"Happy, so fucking happy." Ada declared. "It was their idea."

"I don't doubt that." Trina remarked. 

Trina and Ada were stumbling back to the castle when they were done with their little strip show. Bumping into walls and still in a fit of giggles. Jon heard the bang and pulled his door open to see Trina on her ass drunken laughter escaping her as Ada tried to pull her up but ended up falling over with her. 

"That was fun." Trina declared tipping into Ada. 

"That was fun!" Ada agreed. 

"Thanks for that."

"What are best friends for." Ada assured. 

"Where is Sansa go?" Trina mused laying back on the ground. 

"She was shoving her tongue down Finny's throat last I saw." Ada remarked. 

"Get it." Trina said with a clap. "I told her, I told her I wanted her to find love." Trina said closing her eyes, soaking in the cold ground under her. 

"My Finn?" Ada mused. 

"He is a sweet guy. I love your family, your family is like my family." Trina remarked. 

"You saw a lot of your family tonight." Ada laughed out. Jon stared down at them silently. 

"I blame you." Trina informed her through slurred words. 

"I take credit for the fun you had tonight, yes." Ada agreed. 

"When we were kids." Trina corrected. "You dared me to kiss Jon." 

"I remember that." Ada agreed. 

"Theon saw." Trina recalled. "Threatened to tell my mother."

"You didnt tell me that." Ada remarked. 

"Said if I kissed him he would keep quiet."

"Did you?"

"Mother never found out... oh I can see her petrified face." Trina declared stretching her arms out over her head, knuckles dancing along the floor. 

"We can kill dragon bitch." Ada recommended. 

"I love Jon." Trina corrected. "I just... a drunken thought I'm hopefully going to forget in the morning." Trina murmured. 

"What?" Ada pondered. "Tell me." 

"I wonder if, they were here, if they could see what has become of all of us.... would they be proud? Would they be mad? Would they..."

"You miss your father." Ada remarked. 

"I had two weddings." Trina reminded her. "He didnt get to walk me down the aisle." Ada leaned into her. "I just wish he could be here... if I could have my father back for just a moment so he could hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay, thats he proud of me, that he understood... to tell him I love him... one last time." Trina whimpered tears pulling at her eyes as she wiped at her cheeks. There was a long silent moment as Ada grabbed her hand tipping her head into Trina's. Jon wanted to step forward, wanted to say all the things Trina needed to hear. 

"I could walk you down the aisle." Ada offered. "I would love to walk you down the aisle." Trina looked to her and nodded. 

"Thank you." Trina whispered letting out a deep exhale.

"I heard Jon telling the chefs to make carrot cake." Ada informed her. 

"I don't want to have to go through this again." Trina whispered. 

"You want Jon to be your last and final love story?" Ada remarked. 

"I want Jon to be my last and final love story." Trina agreed. 

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