3. Oh Brother

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You are thinking with your cock not your head.

She is going to get you killed and I don't want to lose my brother.

Jon replayed Trina's words as he got closer and closer. He pulled his horse to a stop at the gates of winterfell.

"Why are you acting so strange?" Trina asked Bran as he stared across the table at her. "What? What did you see? Why are you keeping secrets? We don't do that." Trina reminded him. Bran offered her a half smile.

"He is here." Bran remarked vaguely.

"I need more information then the ominous HE." Trina countered.

"My Lady," Ser Rumlow declared. Trina turned to the door.

"The ominous he?" She mused to Bran, he shook his head as Trina looked back to Rumlow.

"Jon Snow is here." Rumlow informed her. A smile curved her face as she got up.

"I don't know why that needed to be a secret Brandon." Trina remarked.

Jon fiddled with his saddle as he avoided coming in. He reached for the scroll the royal decree, marry Aegon Targaryen and form a union with house Targaryen. If Katrina Stark of winterfell refuses the union, she will be declaring war with the crown. Jon fisted the scroll, if he showed Trina she would read it, probably slap Jon over the head, say I told you so and then begrudgingly agree.

"Jon!" Trina declared and he shoved the scroll deep into the saddle bag before turning around.

"Trina!" He held her close as her feet lifted off the ground.

"Bran told me of the fires." Trina remarked. "Said she burned kings landing." Jon nodded running his hands along her arms. She saw the hurt in his eyes and decided to wait to push for more details. "Well, lets get you some food!" Trina declared. "You must be tired."

"Yes." Jon agreed keeping an arm around her as they walked.

"Arya, the little shit ravened to tell me that she was heading over the narrow sea to explore what was beyond." Trina remarked.

"She told me that too, when I asked her what the hell she was doing in kings landing." Jon agreed.

"She wanted to kill Cersei." Trina remarked.

"Dragon's got her I think." Jon answered softly.

"Tyrion?" Trina whispered.

"Loyal hand of the new queen." Jon rasped. Trina hesitated a moment before answering. 

"Well, I'm glad you are back." Trina remarked honestly.

"Jon." Sansa said stiffly as he approached, she gave him an awkward hug.

"Sansa... Bran.." Jon hugged Bran and it was as though Bran knew. Bran stared back at him as Jon stood upright and Jon sucked in a tight breath. How could he, but Bran knew things, he knew things no one could explain.

"Welcome back." Bran said calmly.

"Good to be back." Jon answered. Trina saw the tension as she looked between her siblings.

"Your chambers are as you left them." Trina remarked. "Food, rest, and an interrogation tomorrow?" Trina mused.

"Yes. That would be lovely." Jon agreed grabbing Trina's hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"Stop being weird." Trina hissed back to Sansa and Bran. "Jon is still our brother." Jon glanced back at them. Still our brother he thought as Trina scolded them.

"He chose a girl that burned the world down." Sansa hissed. "His claim-"

"Aegon Targaryen, or Jon Snow." Trina agreed. "He is still our brother, still family." Trina told them. "We all made mistakes, we dealt with Cersei, we can deal with Daenarys if and when the time comes." she assured them. "What is that look!" She demanded Bran.

"Best he tells you." Bran remarked calmly. Bran was so calm. He had an eerie way about him. All knowing and mysterious, liked to keep Trina in the dark which Trina didnt like.

"Why don't you just tell me?" Trina countered.

"I thought we were saving the interrogation for tomorrow?" Bran mused.

"Ha, ha." Trina agreed dryly as she kissed his forehead before walking off. Jon picked at his food nervously when Trina got to the dining table. "You alright?" Trina asked sitting beside him. He nodded unconvincingly. "Jon, it's me. What's wrong?" Trina asked gently.

"Just a lot on my mind." Jon remarked. Trina nodded understanding.

"I'm honestly really surprised you are here." Trina informed him. Jon stared back at her. "I thought you would be our new king, ruling with fire and blood like dragon bitch." Jon choked out a laugh. "You just seemed close with her is all. You vouched for her."

"I did." Jon agreed. "I wish I had listened to you." Jon admitted. "I wish I had listened to all of you."

"What's going on Jon?"

"I'm really tired Trina." Jon whispered pushing his plate forward. "Can we talk in the morning?"

"Sure. Of course." Trina agreed. "I'm glad you back Jon... or should I call you Aegon now?" she mused.

"I'm always going to be Jon Snow." He corrected kissing her cheek.

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