5. No Choice

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Jon fisted the scroll, he would have to show Trina eventually. The longer he put it off, the more likely Daenarys was to send unsullied or dothraki soldiers to winterfell and start raiding, raping and pillaging the people of the north to get her point across. 

Jon thought about what they would say, the looks they would give him. How he would answer them.

You were right, I'm the problem. It's me. Jon thought. I should have listened to you. I have left the north in a crisis, the whole of westeros because I didn't listen. I'm the problem, it's me. I know you all agree. 

Sansa was still bitter, Bran was silent, that all knowing look in his eyes as Jon approached. Trina wasnt here though. 

"She's coming." Bran remarked seeing Jon's step falter. "Trina." Bran clarified. "She had a meeting this morning. She is a good leader." 

"She always commanded the room." Jon agreed sitting across from Sansa. "Anything she needs help with?" Jon offered already feeling uncomfortable in his own home. 

Sansa and him had been on better terms when Trina and Sansa made it to the wall, Sansa begged forgiveness for how she treated Jon when they were younger. But Jon siding with Daenerys seemed to put a strain on their friendship yet again and the way she looked at him made him feel like an intruder in winterfell. 

"She is trying to calm the people. Put their minds at ease" Bran offered. 

"The northern houses are unsettled by the newest ass that sits the throne." Sansa added. "As they should be after she burned kings landing to the ground." Jon nodded stiffly as he started to get up but the door swung open. 

"They are one wrong step away from another rebellion." Trina remarked. "I don't blame them." She murmured as she poured herself some tea. 

"Everything is changing." Bran remarked and Trina stared back at him over her tea cup. 

"They fought alongside her armies when our little killer took down the night king... you know your targaryen history?" Trina mused. 

"A bit." Jon remarked. 

"Dragons, marvelous and deadly beings that they are usually their owners are quite cowardly." Trina remarked. 

"What do you mean?" Sansa asked. 

"You probably don't know of Rhaenyra Targaryen, or Aegon II Targaryen." Trina remarked. "Because they were both cowardly. Rhaenyra was the heir to the iron throne but Aegon inherited it. Aegon was said to be... a cunt." Trina remarked as she smeared jam across her bread. "Rhaenyra ran. She had some bastards, didnt like when the people stopped talking behind her back and started whispering in front of her. She ran. She wanted to fight for her crown but she ran again when things got hard." 

"Trina?" Bran asked confused. 

"Dragon bitch, hid on her dragon, used her armies while staying away from any real danger and killing everyone. Now she sits on the throne and hides behind her armies and the throne again. We already had one cowardly lion on the throne." Trina mused. "I think she is going to bark orders from her high horse, send her men to interrogate and beat the seven kingdoms into submission."

"I think you are right." Jon admitted softly. "What are you going to do?" 

"I assume she is going to send a raven or a dothraki savage with a decree, saying bend the knee or winterfell burns." Trina remarked. "But I havent gotten anything... I suppose we prepare and wait it out," Trina said with a shrug. 

"Prepare for war? With the crown?" Bran asked curiously. Trina crossed her arms in front of her on the table resting her chin on them as she looked over at Bran. 

"I don't want war." Trina told him. "But you should have heard the people this morning. I don't see how there can be peace." Bran looked to Jon. "They would have followed Jon." trina added. "But you are here so clearly..." 

"It is time." Bran told him. Jon sighed as he stood up. 

"Trina can we talk? Privately?" Jon asked offering her his hand. 

"Yeah." She agreed getting up. 

They walked through the woods silently for a bit before Jon grabbed her hand turning her to him. 

"I should have told you yesterday." Jon whispered. 

"Tell me now and I can pretend it's yesterday." Trina mused. 

"I bent the knee to Daenarys Targaryen." 

"I already know that." Trina reminded him. 

"I relinquished my claim as Aegon Targaryen. Naming her the true heir." Jon added and Trina sucked in a tight breath before nodding slowly her lips twisting. 

"Why?" She asked slowly, trying to remain calm. 

"She knew that with my claim there were two ways to secure her own." Jon remarked. "My declarations of her own claim and getting the north to bend." 

"That's why you came back?" Trina remarked. "You are going to spew some shit about she had to burn everyone to the ground, lets follow her or else winterfell will be a burning pile of rubble as well?"

"Trina... that's not all." 

"As though that isnt a lot." Trina countered stiffly. 

"She demanded a union between House Targaryen and house stark." Jon remarked, he couldnt read Trina's face as she stared back at him. "If not, the north would be in an open rebellion with the crown." 

"I don't... understand..." Trina said but she did. 

"Trina," Jon took another step towards her. "I know you didnt expect this, I know you don't want me... if you refuse," he handed over the scroll and she took it in shaky hands. "Tyrion suggested sending me to the wall but she thought I would be better suited trying to bend the north to her will." 

He watched Trina break the seal her eyes reading over the words. Katrina Stark. Marriage. Aegon Targaryen. Rebellion. Certain death. She looked up at Jon. 

"Will you?" Trina asked. "Bend the north to her will?" 

"Trina, I grew up here. I'm a norther man." Jon assured. "I wouldnt do anything that hurt the north. I swear it."

"This is a lot." Trina murmured, the scroll shaking in her grasp. 

"She will be expecting a response." Jon whispered resting his forehead against hers. "It is your choice." 

"Marry you or she kills you and burns winterfell to the ground." Trina remarked. "Is isnt a choice, its a threat, its a demand." 

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