16. Let Go

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A place in this world // Helaena Targaryen out now!

Wedding day. Throbbing headache. Still in the clothes from the night before.

"By the state of you I assume you had so much fun." Sansa declared closing the door behind her. 

"So... So loud." Trina whispered rolling over in the pillows. 

"I'm in love." Sansa informed her still in a happy haze.

"Finn?" Ada asked her head popping up from the couch. 

"Finn." Sansa agreed. "He is so charming." 

"Finn!" Trina and Ada laughed out. 

"Good honey, good. Now close the curtains and let me go back to sleep." Trina begged pulling the blankets up. 

"I took what you said to heart." Sansa informed her. Trina groaned rolling over in bed. 

"What's that?" Trina countered. 

"Love and trying and making things work with Jon." Sansa remarked. 

"He's got a kissable face." Ada remarked.

"He does." Trina agreed softly as she tried to block the sun from her eyes. 

"I'm going to try." Sansa remarked. "I'm going to try and be supportive of this." 

"thank you Sansa, that means a lot." Trina admitted as she sat up. 

"Now up you get, food to break your fast is on the way and I need to do something about your hair." Sansa remarked and Trina's hand went to her hair. 

"I just got up." Trina grumbled. "Correction, I'm not up. I want to sleep."

"Nope!" Sansa pulled the blankets back and the cool northern air hit her in a rush that sent a shiver through her body.

"SANSA!" Trina whined. 

"This is me helping!" Sansa declared cheerily. 

"We didnt get her drunk enough." Ada remarked. 

"Or we got too drunk." Trina offered. 

"Possible." Ada agreed plopping back down. 

"The wedding isnt until this evening." Trina reminded her. 

"It's mid day!" Sansa corrected. "We are behind schedule." 

"There is no schedule." Trina countered. 

"WHich is why we are behind." Sansa agreed. "Up you get," there was a knock on the door and sansa called them in as she tried to pull Trina to the vanity. "You don't have any powders or tints in here?" Sansa asked opening and closing the drawers. 

"I don't wear that stuff." Trina remarked. 

"I will get mine!" Ada declared suddenly wide awake. Trina brought her tea cup to her lips as she watched Ada run out of the room. 

"Where are your jewelry?"

"I have a necklace from father, a ring that was mothers, and a bracelet from Robb and Jon when we were younger, it was made of beans and noodles, mice got to that a long time ago." Trina informed her as sansa looked for a jewelry book. 

"There has to be more." Sansa remarked. 

"I wear the necklace, I never take it off." Trina corrected. "The ring is too large and falls off so I tied it to a ribbon and use it as a bookmark." 

"Trina, its your wedding, don't you want to walk into the room and make the whole place shimmer!" Sansa declared. 

"I'm fine with everyone thinking wow, she has a figure under all her layers." Trina remarked. 

"I'm serious." 

"Me too." Trina agreed. "In the south at least I got let my arms and legs see the sun. I love the north but I'm wearing a cloak down the aisle." 

"No, you can't you have to look perfect and a cloak will ruin that." 

"I agree but I'm a woss and don't want to be shivering through my vows." Trina informed her as Sansa not so gently brushed out Trina's hair. 

"And I was thinking braids like-" Sansa started wrapping Trina's hair around. 

"I think a simple braid-"

"Trina its your wedding, your last wedding-"

"I hope." She murmured. 

"You want it to be special! Not simple." 

"I suppose." Trina agreed. "Do what you want, I'm at your mercy." Trina agreed as Ada ran back in. 

"Let's get started!" 

"Regretting this already." Trina murmured taking another sip of her tea as Sansa and Ada got to work. 


"You look nice." Jon turned around as he looked to Bran. 

"Thank you." Jon answered fixing his collar for the millionth time. 

"I have faith in you two." Bran remarked. 

"Thank you." Jon answered quietly. 

"I don't want to rush you," Bran began "But there was something I needed to talk to you about."

"Alright," JOn agreed taking a seat on the trunk at the end of the bed. 

"This union... what's coming... this is important for all of us." Bran reminded him. 

"I know that." Jon agreed. 

"What happens when Trina does or says something that Daenarys doesnt like."

"What do you mean?" Jon countered. 

"What happens? Who will you stand by and defend?" Jon stared back at him baffled that he would even need to ask. 

"Trina. You, my family." Jon assured. "You have always been my family." Jon reminded him. 

"When her dragons come and try to lay waste to the world, when she falls, and she will, it may not be this year or the next. They are still building back up the capital, it will take time. That time she takes to make her castle shimmer Trina will be planning." Bran remarked. 

"I love Trina, I won't jeopardize the north or my family," Jon assured. 

"You might have to, to save westeros." Bran countered as he started to roll away but Jon stopped him.

"You can't say shit like that and just leave." Jon demanded. 

"You need to know the cost. I believe you when you say you want Trina and want whats best for her and the north." Bran assured him. "But know that for the good of the realm, the good of westeros, the world, you might have to let her go." Bran informed him. 

"You are Aegon Targaryen, you may have relinquished your claims but you are still Aegon Targaryen, dragon blood. The time may come when you have to choose the realm or the woman you love." Bran remarked but Jon shook his head. "You chose wrong last time." Bran reminded him. 

"No, no, that was different." Jon seethed. 

"You chose to follow a woman that didnt love you, didnt care about you, only cared about the power. The realm suffered." Bran reminded him. 


"I'm not saying that Trina will be the one to bring ruin. Make no mistake. I'm saying that her life and the realms may hang in the balance and you will have to choose which to save and which to let go."

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