30. Drogon

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Unfinished business // Sandor Clegane out now!

Fire gurgled in Drogons large mouth as he turned his sights on Jon.

"NO!" Trina screamed out but Drogon breathed his fiery breath at Jon, melting the iron throne as well.

Trina stared at the smoke and fire, she felt its heat too hot even from where she stood as she took a step back. She screamed out for Jon but all she saw was fire.

 "JON!" Trina begged squinting through the flames. "Please, please..." she didnt know what she was begging for, he couldnt have survived that. She felt her heart stop as Drogon turned to her. She clutched Lyanna to her as she faltered back. Was this the moment she died? To scared to move, to scared to breathe, she felt paralyzed as Drogon's mouth opened, she saw the fire gurgling in the back of his throat. Trina closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face.

"STOP!" Lyanna shouted holding out a hand at Drogon. "STOP!" Trina opened her eyes to see Drogon close his mouth. "STOP!" Lyanna repeated again. "Good puppy." Lyanna said happily as Drogon lay before them.

"Good... puppy." Trina rasped she could barely breathe through the racing and pounding of her heart. Then she saw Jon, naked and covered in ash and smoke, rising up. "J-J-JON?" Trina didnt know if she was she seeing was right or not. 

"Trina!" Jon declared hugging her tight. She sobbed into him. 

"It's time." Bran declared as his head tipped back, the white of his eyes appeared. Drogon stood up again and Jon held Trina behind him but Drogon got up and flew free. 

The dothraki and unsullied didnt think twice about Drogon approaching them. That was until he burned them all to ash. Bran came back to himself and Sansa stared down at him. 

"Did you just control a dragon?" Sansa questioned. 

"I did." Bran agreed. 

"That was fucking awesome!" Arya shouted.

"Are you okay?" Trina whimpered. 

"Yeah I'm... I'm fine." Jon agreed. Ash covered his skin but he was unburnt.

"Targaryen in you." Trina mused hugging him again. 

"Drogon listened to Lyanna." Jon remarked still in shock.

"Drogon listened to Lyanna." Trina agreed.


"I would say today was a successful day." Tyrion declared pouring them all a drink. 

"Yes very.... I loved the part where I almost died." Trina agreed sarcastically. 

"Are you doing that?" Arya questioned looking to Bran. But his eyes were wide open. 

"Not me." Bran remarked but before he could go into Drogon's head Lyanna was waving at him contently. 

"Good Puppy!" Lyanna declared. Drogon landed with a thud. Lyanna clapped out as she pointed at Drogon. 

"What the fuck did she just say?" Sandor questioned. 

"Drogon is her puppy now I think." Jon remarked. 

"That's a fucking dragon." Arya corrected. 

"He listened to Lyanna." Trina informed them. "He was going to... he..." Trina couldnt even say it. She felt sick at the thought. 

"Drogon came and Lyanna told him to stop." Jon remarked vagluly as he pulled Trina closer. 

"He listened?" Tyrion questioned. 

"She is Targaryen." Trina agreed. 

"But always a Stark." Jon added.

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