6. Risk or Reward

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"Raven to Daenarys," Trina instructed. 

"You can't be serious, my lady. After everything she did!" 

"You read it. You all read it. What else is there to do?" Trina spat back. "I'm not letting her kill Jon-"

"He started all this!" 

"He is my brother-" Trina reminded them.

"Fucking your brother, like the Lannisters now." another man shouted out and Trina hissed out a breath. 

"Jon Snow, is Aegon Targaryen. He was stupid." Trina agreed. Jon stared up at her from the back of the room. "He relinquished his claims and bent the knee. But many of you saw what happened, you were there, you saw the fires, the destruction." Trina reminded them. "We can't fight against a dragon."

"So we bend?" Finn questioned. 

"We play the game." Trina countered. "I have been playing this game a long time, so have you. I'm good at the game. I like to win." She added. 

"So you marry your brother, the dragon queen thinks she is getting the north... then what?"

"I don't know." Trina admitted. "I'm figuring it out as I go." 

"We trust you." Arthur spoke up. "You have done good for the north, your father would be proud of you. If you say we play. We play." 

"Thank you Lord Shelby." Trina rasped. "I want a raven sent to the capital. I want ravens sent to each of the great houses. A wedding is a wonderful opportunity to bring all the houses together without any questions." 

"Sneaky, I love it." John Shelby declared rubbing his hands together. 

"We give them time to get here. We remind them of what we have not forgotten." Trina declared. 

"The north remembers!" Was echoed throughout the room. 

"We stand together. We take back the power. Gather our allies." Trina declared. "We survived this long, because we stand together, united. She stands with her armies and her dragon but make no mistake she is alone." Trina remarked. 

"The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." Jon whispered locking eyes with Trina. 

"The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." Trina echoed. "Get those ravens out."

"High garden, dorne, the eyrie..." John remarked hesitantly. 

 "The Martells were wiped out. The tyrells murdered... Garlan and Willas, the eldest." Trina remarked. "They could still be alive, they would side with us, surely, Margaery was kind to Sansa and I. Raven them." John nodded making note of it. "Robin Arryn, lord of the eyrie, warden of the east, defender of the vale." Trina remarked running a hand over her forehead annoyed. "He is family. He was a little terror of a boy but perhaps he grew up." Trina remarked hopefully. "We remind them of all the hurt and pain that has gotten us all this far."

"Who will sit the iron throne when all this is done?" Tommy asked. 

"Let's not worry about that now." Trina decided. "We are in the great war all over again and we have to be strategic. There is no losing, there cannot be a whiff of this to the capital. I won't risk the north by rushing head on." Trina reminded them. 

"What if the risk is worth the reward?" Arthur mused. 

"It is not." Trina corrected.  "I will not risk the lives of everyone here, there are so many people, there were so many people in kings landing that were just trying to live. They didnt have a say when the dragons came down. There are families, children... the north is vast but our people are scattered among the snow." Trina looked to Jon, he had yet to take his eyes off of her. "I won't risk our people. For those that want to fight when the time comes, they will fight willingly, I won't put anyone in danger that doesnt want to fight, doesnt want to take that risk."

"We lived under Cersei's reign. We lived under Robert and Joffrey's reign, we have a new ass on the throne." Trina reminded them. "We live. We will live to see the next, however long or short her reign may be. We all live to see it. Which means we have to be smart."

"What about Jon Snow?"  Everyone turned to Jon. 

"As I said. We have a wedding to prepare for." Trina reminded them. 

"Do you trust him not to run to the dragon bitch? He bent the knee and bent again." There was a murmur in agreement as Tommy Shelby jumped up on the table. "How do we know that he isnt going to tell her and ruin everything, send fire down upon us and claim the north for himself?" 

"Silence." Trina demanded as Tommy jumped down. "I trust Jon." Trina told them. "You put your trust in me." She reminded them trying to silence their complaints. "You all put your trust in me and named me your wardeness of the north. Lady of winterfell, you trusted me then, trust me now when I say I trust Jon."

"Thank you Trina." Jon whispered as she passed. 

"Don't thank me yet." Trina mused. "Father always teased that I was going to drive my future husband crazy." She reminded him. 

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