13. All The Love

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"You always take the good seat." Sansa complained nudging Trina out of the way. 

"I jump in first." Trina countered. "First come first serve!" 

"Robin was asking about the magical Martell prince that survived." Sansa remarked feeling around the hot spring for a different ass canopy as Trina liked to call the roots. 

"What did you say?" 

"He was tall, handsome, skilled fighter, kind, gentle..." Sansa answered thinking of her ideal man. 

"Any names?" 

"Nope." Sansa answered grabbing her hand and pulling her off and stealing her spot. Trina lay on her back floating between them. 

"He can't really think that you would wed him?" Trina offered disgusted at the thought. 

"I mean you are marrying Jon." Sansa countered and Trina splashed at her. 

"Jon is not Robin." Trina assured. 

"He isnt a good guy either." Sansa countered. 

"Jon is tall, handsome, a skilled fighter, kind, gentle-" Sansa splashed at her this time. "What! Stop tormenting Jon. I'm sure he is getting enough from all the lords and ladies as it is." Trina remarked. 

"He is a traitor." Sansa reminded her. "We told-"

"And its going to be done. Weeks end, stop dwelling on it." Trina begged. "Jon is still Jon. We all did things we regret." 

"Don't you want to find love though!" Sansa declared. "True love! A fairy tale ending! Don't you want that chance?" Trina stood on her tip toes on a root as she leaned into the edge of the hot spring. 

"I gave up on that a long time ago." Trina admitted. "I was 17 when father agreed to that stupid union. I was engaged to a awful boy, married to Tyrion, married to Ramsay, I never really thought about... love." Trina admitted. 

"I do." Sansa informed her. "I still think about that and hope for that, one look and you know he is the one feeling."

"I like Jon. I do love Jon."

"As a traitorous brother." Sansa corrected. 

"As Jon." Trina retorted. "I want you to have that fairy tale ending, I want you to get that one look and hearts are in your eyes, as though cupid came and shot you with a bolt of love!" Trina declared. "I want that for you." Sansa stared back at her as her feet drifted back and forth in the water. "I love you and Bran and Arya and Jon. All my love. You always wanted that love struck puppy love," Trina mused. 

"Doesnt every girl?" Sansa offered. 

"I had the biggest crush on Alfie when we were younger." Trina admitted. 

"Solomons?" Sansa asked. 

"He was older and I liked his beard, he had a dog," Trina recalled. "Didn't get along with the Shelbys so Ada and I would sneak out and watch him train." 

"I want that look!" Sansa declared looking at the soft smile on Trina's face. "That lovesick look!" 

"I was a girl with a crush. I loved him. I didn't know what love was but I told Ada that I was going to marry him." Trina informed her. 

"What happened to him?" 

"Died. Influenza." Trina remarked. 

"Oh Trina," Sansa whispered. 

"Then a few years later everything went to hell and I never thought about love again. I just thought about my family, trying to get us back together, get us home." Trina remarked with a shrug. "I always knew as oldest daughter I was going to be matched for a union. I excepted that. But you, you sansa." Trina brought a hand to her cheek. "I want you to find love, real love."

"You deserve it to." Sansa whispered back.

"Who's to say I don't fall madly in love with Jon?" Trina countered and Sansa scoffed out a laugh when they heard a crunch in the snow.

"I will let you fall madly in love then." Sansa teased as she pulled herself up, wrapping her furs around her ignoring Jon entirely as she jumped on her horse, wet hair dripping down her back as she rode away. 

"I think thats progress." Jon mused getting closer. 

"You going to join me again?" Trina asked taking a seat as she looked over the rising steam at him. 

"If thats alright." Jon agreed and Trina nodded as he started stripping again. 

"You going to jump over my head again?" Trina mused glancing back at him. 

"Next time." Jon retorted sitting down and sliding in, feeling the hot water roll over him. "Trin-''

"Jo- You first." Trina said as they spoke over one another. 

"Trina, I wish I could erase our yesterdays, make is a perfect slate, start it all over." Jon remarked as he held onto the roots she was sitting on lifting and lowering himself towards her face.  ''But I can't give you a heart that's never been stolen, and I can't give you a heart that's never been broken... But you got all the love I have. I won't hold anything back." Jon assured. "All the love I have and you'll never have to ask it's all yours."

"Jon." Trina whispered bringing a hand to his face. 

''I know it don't look like much right now, after everything that I did and who I vouched for. I know love seems silly, pointless maybe after all the pain all of us have went through. But you're getting every ounce of all the love I have. Trina I never want it back." 

He waited for her to speak but she was speechless. Something Jon scarcely saw in Trina was her lack for words. Yet she sat there her thumb grazing his shoulder, eyes locked on his, speechless. 

"All the love." Trina agreed. "I can work with that." 

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